Regarding tags (“clashing”)

If I wear for example: Thor redux, shielding v2 and reach for the stars
Does shielding’s fear aura “clash” with reach for the stars importance/royalty aura?
Also what happens or what is meant by tags “clashing”? I am assuming they nullify each other?
I don’t think this topic has been delved into enough. if there are threads that talk about this show me.

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Those two tags never clashed for me. Importance was what people reacted to most of the time. Fear kicked in when appropriate.


Mm that’s what I thought, what if you added Thor on? (Idk if you have it) what do you think then? How would it react with importance aura/fear

It doesn’t clash with either, just mixes its effect in.

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The only tags that are said to clash together are Glory and BPIL.

That said, I don’t totally get the point of them clashing. In fact, I don’t think there is a reason one can’t have a glorious best path in life.

At least in my case when I do have plans/goals but also want to figure out what is the best one, and which is the one I should take for the best probability outcome. Yet still have Glory within this path.

But, as Atreides says: the right fields/aura/action from servitors, you name it; it always interferes, and very strongly for the matter at the exact moment you need, and even with the exact suitable type of energy.

Pretty fascinating when you think about it. :slightly_smiling_face:


@ludicrous @Atreides Would you be able to share your experiences with Reach for the Stars dog tag? How has it been working for you? :slightly_smiling_face:

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