If I wear for example: Thor redux, shielding v2 and reach for the stars
Does shielding’s fear aura “clash” with reach for the stars importance/royalty aura?
Also what happens or what is meant by tags “clashing”? I am assuming they nullify each other?
I don’t think this topic has been delved into enough. if there are threads that talk about this show me.
Those two tags never clashed for me. Importance was what people reacted to most of the time. Fear kicked in when appropriate.
Mm that’s what I thought, what if you added Thor on? (Idk if you have it) what do you think then? How would it react with importance aura/fear
It doesn’t clash with either, just mixes its effect in.
The only tags that are said to clash together are Glory and BPIL.
That said, I don’t totally get the point of them clashing. In fact, I don’t think there is a reason one can’t have a glorious best path in life.
At least in my case when I do have plans/goals but also want to figure out what is the best one, and which is the one I should take for the best probability outcome. Yet still have Glory within this path.
But, as Atreides says: the right fields/aura/action from servitors, you name it; it always interferes, and very strongly for the matter at the exact moment you need, and even with the exact suitable type of energy.
Pretty fascinating when you think about it.
@ludicrous @Atreides Would you be able to share your experiences with Reach for the Stars dog tag? How has it been working for you?