I released this subliminal in the “Which subliminals do you want”-topic already, but since I repeatedly saw people posting about nofap, I thought it would be better to give this subliminal (and future subliminals) their own topic so people can discuss their ideas and experiences, and ask questions.
Chill tf up
Guys, let’s keep the vibes positive and stuff
Read your post, I think it is worth an answer.
Actually, you are right about quite a few things. First of all, masculinity is neither war nor violence, that is very important to me to stress out. The reason why I chose these words and images has to do with the topic of the subliminal: A very serious addiction which slowly takes away your ability to love yourself and others. This should not be tolerated and it is time for every man to rise above it. When you use the subliminal you will notice that the process of “rising above it” will happen in a naturaly way, as it should - there is no willpower or clenching teeth or whatever behind it.
The only time when a man has to pull his sword in this battle is when he decides to give up on porn.
The rest unfolds by itself as a consequence of this decision.
I hope you give the rest of the channel and especially the x1-project a chance and see for yourself how it could benefit you.
Have a nice day.
Or you know…you could not come on here spamming your junk and then putting down others people’s stuff cause… reasons.
How bout that?!
And MR. SPAM (MINEA), who is to say that it is correct?
Sorry @SovereignSubliminals
here we go
Honestly, mate, stop advertising your “work” on another man’s forum. You want to share alternative I guess go ahead BUT LAST compared to the owner(s) of the forum possible solutions.
What do you mean by that?
He means that when someone is asking for audio suggestions, you should post dreams stuff first and your last. This makes it so that Dream’s work is the center and main deal
I’m referring to the other dude.
I had saw him provide a user with ONLY his work when the user asked for help as if there was nothing in team sapien med to help him for FREE, not no FREE TRIAL.
what did he write?
Click on the little edited pen on his post and go to the first post.
Oh I see. That was a rude comment
Okay, so here are my thoughts on that.
I think as creators our main concern should be improving people’s lifes and contributing to humanity and showing people there is a way out of misery without having to implant a chip into your brain.
Sapien/Dream and his team literally are the symbol of this idea and we have to do whatever we can to help them and other, similar creators, so I appreciate @minea contributions as a creator.
He stated his opinion, maybe not in a very wholesame way, but he had some good points which I adressed earlier.
Everyone makes mistakes from time to time and I see him deleting his comment as a form of an insight to formulate criticism in a more constructive way in the future.
In my opinion we should forgive him and just move on.
That’s great and good idea about the post. I didn’t see it before.
You have all 3 starter Pokemon
I’m not sure what the problem is. I’m all for this. People have become diseased to porn it’s ridiculous. I’m all for men embracing their masculinity, and women embracing their feminine. This creates proper polarity for healthy relationships. It’s necessary!
Apart from that we will all disagree on things. Nothing Wrong with that. we have different worldly experiences that have led us here and we all see things from different perspectives. But why can’t we do that respectfully?
Before we share our thoughts we should think about “how”. You’re more likely to be heard if you can connect your disagreement to a “higher purpose.
You can deliver and receive a disagreement, and both parties benefit, or you can deliver a disagreement and create conflict. Disagreement can be productive if done right.
Anyways this is a very positive community. I have not found another community like this one. Most of us post things on here to help each other and share knowledge because we care about each other.
We don’t use this platform as a marketing tool to create sales of our own products. Dream and Sam are freaking awesome people who have dedicated their lives in helping us all for “pennies” really. Let’s be appreciative of that. And let’s appreciate that they are not running this forum on a tight leash like they could. I’m very well aware of their sincere intentions. Everybody’s sincerity shows on here.
Let’s keep this forum going in the healthy direction in which it was created for.
@SovereignSubliminals Hey, man. I’m sorry for lashing out at you. I did feel some toxic energies about masculinity and other things into your video and I do not agree with the usage of Subliminals on the subconscious, because the subconscious is comprised of emotions and needs, parts and personalities of you and it should not be bulldozed/hit with hundreds of repetitive subliminal affirmations.
Yes, you might get positive results from using Subliminals. But it’s like pushing the head of the rabbit into the hole, only for the rabbit to show up his head through another hole after a while. That’s what happens when you don’t actually understand the root cause of the problem that you’re having and you’re just hitting it with hundreds of repetitive subliminal affirmations in order to get a quick and automatic fix for your problem and not actually face it and understand it.
You don’t understand that the problem that you’re having it’s not just a random error that you can fix with shift + delete. You might say: yes, I watch porn because society has planted mental viruses in me. But then I ask you: why were you susceptible to those viruses in the first place? why did you open a folder inside yourself for the porn addiction to take roots (there are guys on the planet that are not impressed or attracted by porn, even though they also have access to it)? Andby asking “why” again and again, you eventually reach the real root cause of the problem which cannot be fixed with hitting your subconscious with hundreds of repetitive affirmations.
Again, Subliminals can give you results, but make no mistake, you haven’t fixed the root cause of the problem because you didn’t put any effort to understand and feel yourself and why do you go for porn as a coping mechanism.
You just hit yourself with hundreds of Subliminals like a robot. You are not a machine. You are organic, alive consciousness. Your subconscious is not a data bank nor a computer or software that you can just program. It’s like trying to program people around you into liking you. You cannot. You have to have organic and soul-based interaction with them in order to be liked.
That’s why I don’t agree with any Subliminals from the internet. They’re just methods to bulldoze, push and abuse yourself into “getting fixed” without putting any effort of consciousness expansion, deep understanding, actually going through your pain and processing it, having compassion for your wounds, realizing that you’ve been feeling alone and emotionally neglected, etc.
Subliminals should only be used in conjunction with real shadow work/integration (and emotional work) to have a complete healing process. Subliminals are not a complete healing process by themselves, they’re only a little piece of a bigger puzzle and if they’re used by themselves, they could create more inner separation/conflict. Not even morphic fields/quantum fields don’t work by themselves to give you a full and real healing process without shadow work (which is aknowledging, feeling, understanding, processing, integrating your pains, wounds, emotions, suppressed aspects of yourself).
I only clicked your video to confirm my intuition that I had by only tapping into the video without actually playing it. I accessed your post just to see what other creators of healing tools are up to and what are their standards.
Again, I still stand with the fact that your video has bad energies and dysfunctional programs about masculinity, but I am sorry that I expressed my discontent with your video in such an aggressive and offending way (and that’s why I deleted my comment after 5 minutes after posting it, but of course, everybody took advantage to attack me anyway). I actually showed proof of toxic masculinity in myself by expressing myself in an attacking manner (it’s funny, I accused your video for promoting war as being part of masculinity but I myself started a little war through my harsh comment).
I have my own emotional wounds that made me blow up like that (but again, my violent reaction does not cancel the dysfunctional energies and programs that I felt about the video).
Sorry again for my violent approach, I respect the time, energy and effort that you put into creating your videos. Good luck with creating better and better healing tools!