Remedy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Dear all…

@_OM , @uial , @SammyG

i want to ask u which audio is best for below description.

my sister is hving a hand pain… she went to doctors but they say need to do operation. her hand get numb very often… ahe has nerve pain and no blood flow if she does any work… then she gets the pain… i hv been massaging her hands daily.

her syndrome is CARPALTUNNEL syndrome…

Carpal tunnel syndrome, also called median nerve compression, is a condition that causes numbness, tingling, or weakness in your hand. It happens because of pressure on your median nerve, which runs the length of your arm, goes through a passage in your wrist called the carpal tunnel, and ends in your hand.Nov 25, 2019


Hi @mysticstuffs, perhaps try Far Infrared and Muscle Massage as a starting point.

The posts and threads below might be of help.

Here is an older thread about carpal tunnel syndrome:

You might also find the search function on the forum of help with finding other posts about specific issues in future.
The search function can be accessed via the magnifying glass button towards the top right:



Thank u bro for your prompt reply and assistance…

yesterday have played the suggested one.

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In addition to the above mentioned audios I would also reccomend this one. It has helped my with all sorts of pain. Some times it takes a few listens but it usually takes the edge off at the least

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On top of the above suggestions, see if these simple exercises helps your sister, only takes less than 2 minutes, the person avoided surgery by these exercises, comments from users seems very successful rates.

Please read the description on how you can help relief the wrists further with ideas etc

May your sister have a speedy recovery, best wishes