Request for a Dream field to support or decrease the ukraine situation

There are quite a lot of forces at play here.
I will just say i personally think that i can feel certain energy signature in/around some key members of this conflict that are also, let’s say ‘powerful’.

I don’t think the level of escalation is set in stone, but maybe I am wrong. Wasn’t WW2 victory and scenarios also meticulously planned by the side that lost in the end? There can always be other forces at play.
The situation in Ukraine is special (i dont mean to discount the effects of was anywhere) because of the potential of escalation at the moment. Maybe the fact that I am rather “close” to the conflict also plays a role in me seeing it like that.

to the owners of Sekhmet NFT:

(+1: For those interested in the foreign policy, or “foreign affairs”, is a very good website/journal, they limit 1 free article / month but it can be circumvented. )