Request for a Dream field to support or decrease the ukraine situation

I saw someone recommend Brad Johnsons healing cards on another post so I’ve been watching his youtube videos recently and stumbled upon this, I think its interesting that he echoes the captains sentiments when he said this seems like a play and theres a lot going on behind the scenes thats not what it seems. I’ll post the link incase anyone is interested, he starts talking about the conflict from about the 32 minute mark: New Earth Insights - Ep #18: Pluto Return, The Future of Governments, Russia/Ukraine Psyop + Q&A - YouTube


Pluto return has something with this?
Planets effects?


Sorry, @anon46361632 missed your post earlier. Yes! This should be a very good choice as it is used to not only win battles but also to ward off disasters - so it applies both ways.

In fact, a student of mine from India wrote to me that they are performing the Shatachandi ritual to avoid a third world war and I gave him some suggestions on what mantras to use. There is a technique called sampuṭīkaraṇa where you sandwich each of the 700 mantras of Chandi with some specific other mantras to magnify and project the effect to the universe.

India seems to have not sided with Ukraine fully (owing to political compulsions) but several folks tell me prayers and rituals are on for peace.


One thing have caught my attention, is that the US intell was 100% Accurate, it didn’t stop Putin but it gave big advantage to biden.

India not sided with ukraine because india mostly buy arms from Russia.


Hi everyone,

I found a FREE curious product related to help the situation in Ukraine that could be useful. I’m just showing it in case you guys and girls want to give it a try aswell.

As with all these kind of tools the most important thing to make it work is to connect with our REAL INTENTION!!!

As you all know even a simple piece of paper could work if we put REAL intention on it! A sigil works based in this principle, right?

So here is someone who took his time to put the intention to create a “World Peace Talisman” and all we have to do is put aside our second thoughts and join other users who are doing the same to bring it to our planet.

There are enough crazy people thinking about war…why not create our own thoughts to make this world a better place to live?

In order to get it you just have to go to the website and download the original version of the talisman. Remember, it’s FREE as it should be for this kind of situations!

Here is the link if you want to give it a try :point_down:

The talisman will look like this:

Just download the REAL ONE from the website :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

It’s also very easy to use!

…Love Is The Answer :pray: :heart: :pray:


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Russia is being knocked out of tenders: India will buy $3 billion worth of weapons from the United States…India refuses to purchase Russian helicopters … Over the past decade, India’s defense purchases from the United States have grown to about $20 billion

It crazy how the news reports urkraine soliders that are dying but when it comes to cillvian in the middle east it doesnt matter.

Because Ukraines “Are more like us” Nice :man_shrugging:

But hey thats just my opinion

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Did u expect me to name every wrong i know?
How about muslim in china the Ughurs huh?
China in asia no?
you never mentioned that either huh?

and so much more

This is an extremely biased view, maybe it’s because of the identity politics and racial conversations in the US that have been ongoing for some time, some people jump to this.

I started typing something out but it would take too long… there are many sides of this conflict that make it a rather key one in the world at the moment, some points being:

  • Ukraine being on the border of EU and NATO,
    the trajectory of Russian influence in the world in the last 1-2 decades and how it led to this conflict and what’s next,
  • The direct effect of this conflict on commodity prices and the direct effect of that on the economy worldwide (certainly in Europe)
  • Russian - Chinese ties and growing influence in the world. The question of what the “world order” of the century will look like, with the US having taken a step back from the world stage - basically illiberalism Vs liberalism.
  • The aggressor, Russia, is on the opposite side Vs the US/EU, so coverage will reflect that (maybe unfairly Vs other conflicts)

I’m not saying conflict elsewhere is not bad, suffering and war are horrible everywhere.
I’m pretty sure if there is something going down in Taiwan, it will be heavily covered too, also for non-racial reasons.


I was coming to say that :pensive:

But yeah, you’re right


Yes i understand your point. Thank you brings more sense to it.

But Why is the US pushing that its a bad thing when they have done the same thing in the late 1900s

when russia and colombia had some sort of agreement where Nuclear weapons where to be held in colombia for russia and the US was taking none of it and said to colombia u got 24 hours or were bombing the shit out of you.

When russia does the same thing to ukraine. All of a sudden the US are trying to force other countires to
condemn the actions of putin and not do business with them And that putin is the next Hilter.

Putin is bad but what other option does he have? If ukraine wouldnt settle.

But even though Russia had ever right to keep Nuclear weapons in colombia.
I see why putin is doing this. Why would you want NATO countries all around your own country.


Overall I think, it’s probably not a place for us now here to try to mess with politics, we can just rather wish good and send blessings (and servitors) for individual civilians in Ukraine, Cherson oblast and Donbas, as well as for civilians in northern Syria and northern Iraq, where Turkey likes to do military interventions and also hope good for citizens of Solomon Islands where USA ‘didn’t exclude military operation’ if they will start building a Chinese military base.

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And do you think the people running this don’t have real power and use it to “mess with politics?” May I remind you that Putin is an advanced psychic and was literally in charge of all the psychotronics/radionics/remote viewing/psychic war for the KGB, while all the western world leaders were literally filmed sacrificing a “child” to Molech during a ritual where they run around naked in the woods the official explanation is, “it’s just all the world leaders in a fraternity having a goof.”


thank you, just asked for it.