Results with Animal Telepathy and/or slow perception of time audio

Hey! Did anyone have any results with the animal telepathy audio or Slow the Perception of time audio, both on Dreams Seeds?
Can you please share your experiences with them/it?
Also, please tell how many times did you listen to and for how long. Thanks a lot.


I almost shared this story a few times but it’s just a little too weird. But since you asked.

There is a cat that lives near my place and normally it runs away every time it sees me, usually while I am doing my best to call it nicely.

But after I listened to this a couple of times, I saw it outside my place one night when I got home from work. And I’m not a mean person so this next part is unlike me but I had a bad day at work, so when I saw the cat, without meaning to or trying to I just sort of automatically looked at it and put out this strong emotion of “stay the heck away from me, I could take you in a fight, cat.”.

And what did the cat do? It ran towards me as fast as it could like I was it’s long lost friend.

Thinking about it now… I was trying to have empathy for animals but I guess in this case it gave an animal empathy towards me.


I’ve had small results with Animal Empathy/Telepathy. Sending messages is working quite well.

Most of my “communication” has been with Pigeons. They are constantly terrorizing our neighborhood with their loud screams. So when they annoy me, I can ask them to please be quiet for a while and they instantly shut up.

Receiving and understanding an animal only worked once or twice. One time I was walking through nature, past a bush with three loud ravens. Passing the bush I reflexively thought “Chill, I don’t want anything from you.”. Felt like I was directly answering them.

But I’m not sure how long it took me to see results. Maybe a bit more than a week… ?

But I still have the “ability” playlist from that time:

  1. Acetylcholine (Patreon)
  2. Super Human Mutant
  3. Quasi Crystal (Dream Seeds)
  4. Super Human Genius
  5. Animal Empathy/Telepathy
  6. Enhanced Brain Hemisphere Connection
  7. BNDF (Patreon)

And I remember listening to these tracks a lot:

It felt like these fields were defalcating the brain area around my third eye.

Never used any of the time perceptions audios though.


Animal Empathy/Telepathy review:

Slow Down the Perception of Time reviews:


I don’t have a lot of experience with this one but yeah it did seem to broadcast my real thoughts to a cat. Lol. I’d like to see more what it does with people.


Pfff… I tried once again after the last posts, because I do believe that this is an essential one… but there’s still no way for me to listen to it: gives me tough headaches, etc.

3 possibilities that came to my mind spontaneously:

  1. I’m temporarily out of service lol.

  2. There’s something interfering with the other fields that I use (I doubt that).

  3. The most likely one: something within my “inner system” is trying to protect me and doesn’t want me to discover, at least for now, any additional unpleasant (to be polite) facts. I’m not talking about the animal part, but the human one (including myself lol).

Time to have a serious discussion with my Higher Self.


Not sure what level stakes of poker you’re playing but most people are soooo oblivious of what “tells” other players are giving in general that you won’t have anything to worry about.

They won’t know what to do with a momentary psychic experience even if they are open to it. It’ll just seem like another random thought to them.

And if you’re getting the gambling luck field, try and play casinos that do some type of massive progressive jackpot or similar for “high hands”

I can tell you one of my “unbelievable luck runs” involved 7, 7!! straight flushes in 12-14 hours of playing.


I started listening to the animal telepathy field on loop while at work (3 to 4 hrs) for the last couple of days. When I visited my friend yesterday her two horses that are stabled in the front of the yard walked over to the fence and made a point of trying to stretch their necks further over the fence to say hi and to nuzzle my hand.

My friend also has two toy pom dogs, the older one ran over to say hi and kept on reaching up with her front paws typical toy pom style to say “pick me up” The younger toy pom just kept running around me and continually barked. Once inside the house my friend picked up the younger dog to try and shush him and while in her arms he was very friendly and kept licking my hand but as soon as she put him down he started barking again. We then went upstairs to have a look at something that she wanted to show me and by the time we had come downstairs the dogs were outside and it was now lovely and quiet.

About ten minutes later I just felt a weight plop across my toes and when I looked under the dinning room table the same dog that had non stop been barking at me earlier was now asleep across my toes and the other dog was also lying right next to me. Both my friend and her daughter were quite surprised that their dogs were ignoring them and showing me so much love. I am not too sure if this was because of the field that I was getting so much attention considering that I had only been listening for a few days. Maybe it was my energy? I didn’t receive or send any thoughts though, in fact I had completely forgotten about the field until I got home.

I thought that after continually listening over time I would become telepathic and not the other person? Why would it work both ways if the other person hasn’t yet been exposed to the field? I’m sure energetically they might have a thought like “what’s up with this chick” or something to that effect, but their “radar” would be weaker compared to my mine right?


People you have closer bonds with might “tune in” a little better but more often than not, they won’t pay attention to it cause society trains them not to.


Great thanks @_OM glad to know they won’t be fully able to tune into my thoughts.

Now I just have to work on my facial expressions. All my friends say my face shows exactly what I’m thinking :upside_down_face: I don’t want to let on to them that I am aware of what they’re thinking!


This is not about getting results but rather a question. I have been avoiding to listen to the Animal Telepathy track and have only done so 2-3 times. I am afraid I won’t be able to control (IF one can do that) what info and from which Animal one receives. I have a very soft spot for animals . I am even vegan due to that and although being able to communicate with them is wonderful I suppose one is also exposed to their suffering. Any ideas about this? Is it possible to control/ manage this acquired “talent”?


These are two links to two well known animal communicators in case anyone is interested in learning more about animal telepathy.



Just a question to the Slow perception of time audio. How does it exactly work? Will the time feel like its going slower just like it does when you do boring things or things u dont like? Or will the things around you begin to slow down, like people starting to speak slower or them moving slower?


The best “fight” I’ve ever been in, I got angry at my former roommate. Fucking livid. Time moved at about 1/10th the normal speed as I seemed to move like Bruce Lee. It was probably more like Haru, but either way… that’s how you slow your perception of time. And to some extent, that’s what happens to me every time I get into a dangerous situation, and how I move much faster than others expect from my weight (mostly gone now).


Lol nice gotta try that out the next time i play soccer. Could probably help me out

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How i feel it, ppl around and everything feel the same but the day is simply longer, i do get a sense of peace tho i guess because nothing is rushing, the collective consciousness and energy is a real thing lol even the processes inside my body seem stretched out. Its hard to explain, i guess its a very similar effect of an after deep mindful at least 30 minutes meditation.


Well, I used the audio for months at the beginning and now I have been living with the slow down time item. Everyseconds of everyday, I’m in slow down time mode.

Well, I can’t believe, I really can’t believe that we’re only February the 20th. New years eve was so long ago. You keep doing your thing, everything is normal. But then you stop and realize what happened so long ago, just happened last month or last week. It could have been 6 month, but no… how could all those event happen in only 2 month !?


I thought I was the only one feeling this way after spamming the audio for hours in the span of weeks.

It’s seriously weird. I sometimes feel like I should’ve done so much. But looking back it’s just been 15 days, lol. To me, it seemed like 3 months passed because of how much time I felt I had to do shit.


slow down perception of time is a cheat code