Rife Frequencies?

Have rife frequencies worked for you?

Is there a rife frequency/field to remove side effects from the recent things everyones talking about.

Rife frequencies are good but way less powerful than Morphic fields.
What do you mean by “the recent things everyone is talking about”?


CV19 jab, I had to get it at school and I’ve had awful symptoms that all match up with Chaga Disease. I’ve had hives/rashes on my hands and all sorts too.

Listen to this


In my experience Rife frequencys work very fast compared to morphic fields.

I use ones made for nerve pain, nerve regeneration and occipital neuralgia.

You can feel the changes in a minute.(tho after first time I used it I felt worse then before for like a week but then I sticked with it and it got better then before

Try some out make sure if you use spooky2rifes your headphones are on the lowest to protect your ears

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Depends on the person using them I suppose. Everyone is different.

Is it the same guy?


Yeah same guy

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They do work to some extent.

Oh I didn’t know about that. Poor Dream. Won’t be using Spooky2’s stuff now, granted I only found it yesterday.


Just found out today about Rife Frequencies being uncredited Stolen copies of Sapien’s fields …
It’s so UNFAIR that this is happening to Captain!