Ring of The Magi (N/A)

3rd now.

“It will also automatically use that energy to augment and psychic work/ magical work / energy involved work that you are doing.”

Does this mean every Sapien Med audio we listen to while wearing this gets a power amp? Every tag we wear? Card we use, etc…



Sounds like it, the new servitors has something similar, but this ring seems like the “Booster”


I’ll be ordering this ring as soon as I can, My mouth is literally watering at the possibility of possessing an item with infinite power, potential, and a wide range of energetic applications.


Does the ring automatically charge you with the energy? When you have low energy or need more energy to do the things or is there any commend for it. :thinking:

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Should do that but not 100% sure about that tbh. @Dreamweaver ?


Once you get used to anything like that subconsciously you’ll call it without even knowing.


Me too man, I want this soooo bad

But I’m wondering if I could use it while lifting weights, can gripping onto bars damage it? I would love to have it in gold finish on my pinky ring lol

I’ve never wore a ring before that’s why idk


Yes it can damage the ring, when two metals rub together you can bet that one of those items will be at least scratched. I’m sure the ring just has to be within your aura to have its effect so it can probably stay in your pocket or worn around your neck while you work out.


I really hope I can do that! I can just set it on my dog tag chain and forget it! I’ve been thinking about this ring all dang day lol


Jeje @IAmJonathan hermano! creo que en poco tiempo lo tendrás contigo!!! :slight_smile:


I was waiting a little to write my review. Here it is. I purchased the ring and received it this past Saturday. The first time I wore it I ended up cleaning my entire house. Felt strong, yet calm sustained energy.

I haven’t dove into much of the “passive” effects of the ring yet. I can certainly feel the “active” effects working. I’ve been wearing it non stop since I got it.

I was up at Mount Rainier National Park this past Monday with a friend. We ended up stargazing all night, so our climb the next day was on 1-2 hrs of sleep.

I told the ring to gather and charge my body with the energy of the mountain whenever I started feeling fatigued. It seemed to work really well. I even got back into the gym today and set a PR for my bench press and deadlift.


Wow! Awesome testimonial, I know I’ll eventually have it too bro, I can’t wait!

This one’s a must!


Welcome back!
Was pretty sure you died from Ego/Subc. combo…

Wanna give us an update in that thread on that?


Soon my brother will be your turn :ok_hand:


It is out of stock now whoa , welcome to Hogwarts people😂

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NOOOOO :sob: :sob:

The only reason havent order this yet is because I’m still waiting for what Dreams got in stored for us.

Welcome back @pranic_climber… As @_OM said this is the first review on this ring!

I have a similar field from Dale (or Dream) - but the stupid me got it placed on a huge crystal so I cannot carry it around. Also, just like @IAmJonathan - I am terrible at wearing a ring. Perhaps, I can string it along with the Subconscious Limits removal tag on the same chain and wear it!

Unlike the older servitors, its active skill lets it store the energy without specifically telling it, right? So I guess the only time you need to “tell” it would be to release the energy (or when you want to store it from a specific source)…

Ring of The Magi

This is designed to store massive amounts of energy from the ambience and excessive junk energy build up around you.

All this energy will be purified and stored in an ever expanding storage pocket.

You can also direct from where you want energy gathered to be stored, perhaps you are walking around in nature and encounter some wonderful high level energies. You can direct the ring to store this energy for later use.

While wearing it, it will continuously provide this storage service.

It will also automatically use that energy to augment and psychic work/ magical work / energy involved work that you are doing.

It does this on a mild automatic basis but you can increased the output to suit. The versatileness of this if left to your own imagination, perhaps you simply need to energize your legs for to aid in increasing
your running speed or muscle recovery.

Maybe you are wounded and need that extra push to boost your healing and recovery speed.

It may be that you are a healer and need a boost to your energy transfer for a more effective working.

It is up to your imagination. I suggest working a bit with it to figure it out and gauge your own levels.



/glares at my stupid original DW energy collector that’s probably a priceless collector’s item now, but doesn’t do all the new cool stuff…/
glad everyone is enjoying that ring.
If there’s one thing DW knows…it’s energy collection and storage.


And the new one is out of stock :mask: