Hey everyone. I decided to make this thread so that people may offer any advice or wisdom they may have in regards to romance and/or love, no matter what level it may be on or what step it may be at.
romance or love? they’re separate.
Thanks for the clarification, I corrected it.
Gentlemen, welcome to the Fight Club.
First rule of the Fight Club: never talk about the Fight Club.
Second rule of the Fight Club: you must never talk about the Fight Club.
Both are di wine, the more you drink the deeper you understand them
There’s the 5 love languages im currently reading that could possibly help those learning to appreciate their partner(s) more.
Red pill yourself as quick as you can.
I was thinking of doing that. I want to know your perspective. Why red pill?
Because it’s the way things really are in regards to women and relationships and not white knight idealization that we’ve become socialized to accept.
Red pill is becoming just treating women like shit recently though. Have to be careful there IMO.
That’s more MGTOW, which is a bunch of men that blame and whine about their problems and how it’s not their fault.
Within the red pill and manosphere there are a ton of “red pill” gurus that really are just wannabes.
You need to separate the information from a lot of the guys out there. 21 convention are pushing the idea of “making women great again” which is the most laughable bullshit ever considering the gynocentric dominance of the U.S. and Western Europe. You’ll see a lot of fluff about bringing back “patriarchy” which is near impossible because of the toxic feminists and the fact of the above statement that the laws all favor the female (marriage, divorce, custody…etc.)
The good old days of the 50’s are long gone and not never coming back.
Social media has unequivocally altered sexual dynamics and the sexual marketplace forever.
Fatherhood and masculinity has been destroyed far worse than womanhood ever has. Both are in decline because of the attack on traditional values.
Marriage, divorce, child custody courts all serve the female. Men have their lives ruined over false rape allegations of the Me-too movement.
IMO, a true “alpha male” is a guy who is confident, secure and outspoken, among other traits that signify sophistication. And I think those are good qualities to strive for.
But that being said, I don’t really advocate for playing psychological mind tricks on women to brainwash them into your bed though. That’s not being an alpha, that’s being a manipulative snake because you can’t get your way in normal romance.
Ugly chicks date ugly guys. It’s that simple.
Fat and grotesque women have now made the front pages of women magazines and even more now find themselves modeling clothes and lingerie in leading clothing brands.
Beauty is subjective, but get an “ugly” girl in front of a webcam and people around the world will pay to watch her.
I never said one was better than the other. I wouldn’t trade being a man for a woman in a billion years, but certainly not because women have it “harder”
You can say that same exact scenarios for men. Both have specific gender roles, and men have as much if not more pressure to fulfill them than women do. And for men that try and achieve them it’s even harder due to the destruction of masculinity and fatherhood today.
I think both genders have their pros and cons. No one gender has it harder than the other but both of them have their own unique challenges and both have unrealistic standards set to them by society.
Very much possible that religion has a big part in this. Especially in Saudi Arabia…(I myself come from a Muslim household, so please don’t say I am biased against Muslims, I am simply stating especially Saudi Arabia because a lot of people misuse the religion for their own gain or to guilt trip others)
Alpha Male is not that, that is, the real Alpha Male gets huge success from women but he also treats them with respect, at least as much as he treats himself. If you look at the competent youtube channels on Alpha Male, and for me there is only one, that of Fabio-Mind Pro Labs, you will realize how it is very focused on improving only himself above all else. Then of course he also has videos on the attraction, but all the other videos do not work if you have not done a very heavy job of improving yourself, essentially with his audio called Foundation, but it takes many hours of listening during which in the first days they will come afloat so many negative emotions repressed in the unconscious to make you cry as well as strange dreams and nightmares and then pass to the best.
As for the approach, I share the advice of those who have already answered you: go out, compare yourself, have your experience, get involved, allow yourself to make mistakes, then you will straighten your aim and get what you want for yourself, but if you don’t move nothing will happen, not even with the best audio on this topic, namely those of Mind Pro Labs.
Have you lived in these countries? Or you only speak because you have a mouth …