Sage Mode - A Touch of the Gods

Disclaimer - This is created by a third-party vendor and not by Sapien Medicine. Third-party products are not vetted directly by Captain.

The Sage Mode (仙人モード, Sennin Mōdo) is the result of the harmonious union between Natural Energy, physical energy and spiritual energy. Thanks to this, the user is able to increase their chakra levels, is able to strengthen their physical and energetic capacities.

Refers to a specialized field of jutsu that allows the user to sense, gather, and use nature energy (自然エネルギー, shizen enerugī) found in the person’s environment.


The user’s physical strength, speed, chakra, and durability are drastically increased.

The user can tap into the natural energy that surrounds them, turning it into an extension of their body.

The user gains the ability to sense the chakra and presence of others, in other words, gains an extrasensory ability, almost comparable to other truly sensory techniques. Can see auras too.

His ability to sense danger and his reflexes are drastically increased.

The user does not feel as much pain, and recovers faster from physical damage.

Maybe the Sage mode is adapt to your spirit animal.

To activate say the command “activate” and for disable, just say “off” or with intention.

I recommend try and test the free products first.