Sapien HGH 2.0 working as mp3?

Hey guys, I purchased this just now and I was wondering since there were always problems with the patreon page mp3 downloads not working if this works even as an mp3.


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Did you think that having bought this audio it will be in a better format than mp3 on Patreon so? In fact, everything here depends on the technology itself (morphic fields) for which, as I understand it, mp3 is a pretty high-quality format. For other technologies, such as Subliminal, Binaural, the best quality format will usually be Wav or Flac.

na fam im just wondering, because his other feilds don’t work as mp3 so im taking caution

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All fields on Patreon in MP3, as well as on Gumroad, video on YouTube consists of pictures and audio in mp3 format, if they are decomposed, although YouTube has a lot of compression of these audio, so the audio will not be so effective.

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So there are now three versions of HGH, right?

  • HGH Youtube old one

  • HGH Youtube recently update

The energetic programming in this should help stimulate the pituitary gland and elevate the levels of human growth hormone in your body. HGH can help with anti aging, muscle growth, collagen production, wrinkle reduction, reversing hair greying etc. Updated from the previous version but not the same as version 2.0

HGH 2.0 (Gumroad)

A combination of frequencies and energetic/morphic programming that will help stimulate the pituitary gland and elevate the levels of human growth hormone in your body. HGH can help with anti aging, muscle growth, collagen production, wrinkle reduction, reversing hair greying etc. This version is updated to return the levels to that of about 16-18 years of age and also rejuvenate your pituitary gland

So, if one has 2.0 from Gumroad, the other two are probably not required?


If you bought a version of HGH 2.0, then older versions you no longer need, as they are less effective. Listen 2-3 times a day to HGH 2.0 and that will be enough.


I bought it of gumroad for like 30$ I think but I haven’t used it much is it good??? I used it along time ago when bought few times made my head sick and pain in brain maybe I over did it


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I ming I did it again few weeks ago and I did notice my skin got super tight next day and I looked like 5 years younger


I was going to buy it on gumroad but it’s no longer for sale, anyone know why?

What is the best version to use then, the shorter YouTube one or the longer one on patreon? And which is newer? Thanks x

If my memory serves me right, the shorter one was about 4 minutes and was labeled HGH 1.5.

The longer one about 15 minutes with the pulsing sound is the original

I found the hgh 2.0 before, but now I can’t seem to find it. Can anyone post a direct link to it? Or was it removed? Cheers x

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Yes, this field was removed from Gumroad

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The latest 1.5 it is then!
Thank you for confirming xx

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