Sapienmed Webinar 6/7 - 1 PM EST

Interested, count me in.


Just got link on my email but when I opened it I was told that the email log in link was too old. That I needed to select log in button and use “I forgot my password” to get new link. But I can’t find log in button. Help.

Hi there @smjohan1!

Nice to see you Spirit Animal

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Found log in button but won’t let me change password because it says password change link is too old. Can anyone help me get link to access todays session.

It usually gets sent out in a DM about an hour or so before it starts :slightly_smiling_face:

What is a DM

Oh just saw this message, sorry.
I haven’t received an email yet.
I’m sure one of the mods will be able to clear this up soon.

Direct Message, or private message on the forum. At least I think that’s how they are usually sent, I’m second guessing myself now 🫣

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Thanks for trying to help.

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Where us the link to join?

I think they’ll send us a link in dm or pm not sure, but rest assure we’ll get in.

Interested Sammy



Added you to the group with the zoom link.


Added you to the group with the zoom link.

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Could someone add me too please