Hey guys I am leaving this forum for about 2-3 months, I will be back love you guys ! Thanks for all the help
see you soon
he will come back even stronger than ever before…
A 13th dimensional celibate enlightened being…
He’s going into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber aka Room of Spirit and Time
Hope it’s for good reason… Good luck regardless.
Such a mortal you are!
Are you okay?
@Josh See you later my friend! Succses!!!
Yes. He just wants to grow himself atm.
Here is a post in this thread which was not migrated over from the old Discourse website:
Oh okay! Thanks for the update! He’s been a long time friend of mine outside of this forum and I just wanted to make sure that he’s okay! I haven’t heard from him in a little while.
I’m back lol, 2-3 months was too much , peasants
which dimension are you at now ?
and welcome back boy
Still 12 bro
man, thought you would advance at least, but alright, lets keep it chill then
13 requires a certain amount of testosterone that I cannot achieve at my age
But what I did do is find a way to get money and now I get buy any tag I want lol
oh sweet, happy for you man