Selling/Trading Moldavite Tag, Subconscious Limit Removal 2.0(Sold), and Chakra Tag(Sold)

If anyone is interested please let me know! I’m in the US area


I would be interested possibly buying the SLR 2.0 tag, do you have a picture of it to see what state its in?


Just wanted to say…

The older the tag, the higher its value :)

Fields grow and become more powerful with time

If you do move forward with buying this tag… i congratulate you in making the decision to becoming more and more limitless with each day! :muscle:


I hadnt thought of that, but that is a good point. @Copycat how long have you had the tag as well? and how regularly would you say youve worn it?

@GoddessAndGodOfAll idk i just keep getting this feeling over the past few days since ive been using VoC and Conceptual Realizations that the SLR tag would be a great help.


Yes someone already placed an order for it but i’ll let you know if it doesn’t go through. I can also send a picture if the time comes

The older it is the expensive it gets! Imagine abundance tag for 4 years of growth lol

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I bought it right when it came out so around a year or two and i’ve been wearing it pretty much everyday since

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Ah, well pardon me for hoping their offer doesnt go through.


Ah man, i hope one finds it’s way on your path, it’s very much needed and a great aide in ones personal development. Absolute must. Good luck my friend, i know you’ll have one soon!