Serious help needed

All that looks very fascinating! I will be looking into his videos.
Thank you for sharing friend :relaxed:

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you’re welcome friend… it’ll help to turn on the CC since the audio quality is not the best

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Thanks for the tip. Although I always watch everything with cc anyways :sweat_smile:

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It doesn’t feel comfortable physically, so i’d like to fix it

I got that. But since there’s no direct “fix” for you, you’ll want to be creative in understanding what your “fix” would look like for you.

You told us how it doesn’t feel, but I asked you how you would like to feel, and when you answer that, with a little thought from there, you might notice that you want more–say–flexibility. Knowing what you know about your condition and with a little more thought, you might decide that your more flexibility might come when–say–the inflammation from your condition was reduced.

With this type of creative thinking, you can fix your physically uncomfortable feeling even when there might be no direct field for your specific condition, you see?

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Sorry, in the most respectful way, I don’t feel like you’re being helpful to me rn

This is more of a theory answer. Try the body symmetry field. Maybe DHT. Paid fields BoL, Eternal, and Plasma Flaunt. Those are expensive fields that would do anyone a lot of good, but I haven’t read a testimonial on those fields that suggests they would fix your issue. If you had other ailments and the money, these fields would be a good buy. There are probably some NFTs that others could recommend.

So symmetrical body strikes me as the best choice.

Hmm. Actually, if you had some (not much) money to spend, you might want to try a bargain available on the forum (Just going by testimonials—I don’t know the person) Again, not sure it fix your particular concern, but it would probably do you a lot of good. Check out the link below.


Thank you a lot for your answer

I tried all these nothing worked, please if anyone has better recommendation feel free to post them, i really want this issue fixed, it doesn’t matter if the fields are premium too.
thank you all in advance

I’m going to be honest I’m not really sure how to fix this but I have a few ideas as I was reading. I get these movie like plays in my head and I’ve been reading this book that says to trust and follow that so I’ve been trying to tap in more lol. So here’s a few ideas that came in my mind.

  1. Have you cleared your chakras especially the sacral?
  2. Have you tried visualization and manifestation? I would recommend staring at yourself in a mirror in the spot and just visualize it being the way you would like while saying positive affirmations. Make sure you bring your energy into it, use candles even that speak to you while doing so (I feel white would do the trick), make sure you feel it as well like create the feeling while visualizing of how it would feel to have it fixed. Creating the feeling and bringing that feeling into the physical is the most important step.
  3. Have you looked into sigil making yet? I feel like a destroyable sigil would do the trick. I would use a white candle while destroying it. If you don’t know of sigil creation let me know and I can possibly help you.
  4. Are you meditating? You need to meditate learn to see your aura, learn to feel your energy this will make things a lot easier.
  5. Pray man you need to connect with not just your higher self but with God, Jesus, and the angels man.
  6. I would highly recommend a no fap/semen retention and transmutation
  7. Have you tried any intercession audios or anything like that? You can learn a lot through higher dimensional beings. Contact your spirit guides as well remember your spirit guides are always there waiting to be called. Call onto your higher self as well you need to tap in the answer might not be anywhere but within yourself. Before you meditate I would recommend banishing the negative energies and I like to light a candle or incense while doing so (if you plan on contacting anybody I wouldn’t recommend sage that’s just from my research I could be wrong) praying to God, playing angel intercession while stating what your calling them in for and make sure you thank them for coming when you feel them enter and thank them after your session as well, then say your full name 3 times and get started with your session.

I hope I was able to help you please stay patient and don’t give up. Remember you need to stick to it and train. You can’t expect to be a world champion boxer without training right? Same goes for this we all have abilities but we need to train. If I think of anything else I’ll let you know. Please let me know if I was able to help. Stay faithful be blessed :pray::heart:

I had a problem like this with one testicle when I was a child and I got surgery and got fixed it so try to evaluate that.
As for fields maybe Plasma infrasound and Plasma flaunt, The Eternal, Max Heal
and Smarter Rife ( I just checked and exist rife frequencies for cryptorchidism)

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Like to get surgery? I’m an adult now so I’m not sure if the surgery is possible if you are saying I should just go and see if it’s possible where I live then I agree ngl

Thanks for the fields recs ill check them out

any ideas on how to use rife? through headphones or speakers?

You mean to do this before field usage?
Thank you so much for the answer


bump please anyone answer with any advice im all ears this issue is really bothering me

Smarter rife from Sapien includes all rife frequencies, better option if you have the money
If not try some rife frequencies for your condition, there are some free frequencies you can try for your condition on Youtube.
Speaker is better or there are rife machines but smarter rife is much better.
But also complement with other sapien fields.


Thank you very very very much
god if this works i will forever be grateful to you sir

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I very much agree with that statement. I have had a couple of different rife machines and Sapien’s version is far superior - no fiddling with software and dials - either used intuitively or with mental or verbal input as to what you want (it’s a smarter version!).

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Thank thank thank you i will look into buying it !