Serotonin field in the Amygdala audio

Hey guys, so i saw the new Amygdala Healing audio this morning and became interested. However the description says this:

At the same time, the field repairs and develops your serotonin receptors

As I mentioned in some posts, I have previously had serotonin syndrome and have since had to avoid even some natural health supplements that raise serotonin such as turmeric, fish oil, camu camu powder, wild salmon etc. and have had very bad reaction from another brain related audio from another maker. I have to be really careful to not get another scary episode. So I don’t fully understand how those things work all I know is I have to stay away from any supplement or food that has to do with anxiety/depression or that might raise serotonin to be safe.

Does anyone know if this field helps with people who have had serotonin syndrome from multiple SSRI’s or should we stay away from it? It says ‘heal’ serotonin receptors but it also says ‘develops’… I don’t know if this is good or bad

Please if anyone knows ?


I would like to know the same . Especially since it has been shown that people that have social anxiety have too much serotonin! Which kind of defeats the purpose of this video if it’s supposed to decrease fear.
Plus theres 12 serotonin receptors and they all interact with each other for example increasing the serotonin receptor 2a , increases heart problems!

So I’d prefer the frequency without messing with serotonin ,which can be dangerous.


Honestly I would say the repair part would be good for you… but I’m no expert and I know nothing lol

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Thank you for that. I tried sleeping with this playing on low volume last night and did not sleep. Now I know what happened. Serotonin.

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“Repairs and develops serotonin receptors…” does that increase or decrease serotonin? i’m confused… does it do similar things as anti-depressants or anxiety meds?

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No. It pretty much just repairs the serotonin receptors in the amygdala. When I mention develop, it means that in repairing it, this also enhances their functioning. Better functioning serotonin receptors lead to more positive moods. Of course, too much serotonin can be bad as well but this field isn’t stimulating serotonin production. Just healing the receptors so they work the way they are supposed to.

And as I said, it heals the receptors in the Amygdala itself. The forebrain controls the amygdala via serotonin, so the better functioning receptor, the less of a harder response it needs. It’s a sorta negative feedback loop which is what the field is fixing.


thanks :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the In depth details @SammyG !


Thank you so much! :heart: :pray:

Thanks for the detailed explanation. Really appreciate it .

So it has more to do with receptor sensitivity than really changing the amount of serotonin produced.
It might actually lead to fewer serotonin produced as receptor sensitivity increases .
high receptor sensitivity would mean less serotonin needs to be produced. It is a similar idea to the insulin sensitivity…


If people have serotonin issues then, their serotonin receptors are damaged and are either dispersing too little or too much serotonin. By repairing the receptors, it works on fixing whatever the issue is to bring it back to balance. Enhancement means better functioning. Also, this field works on repairing the serotonin receptors in the amygdala. It primarily focuses on everything about the amygdala to fix it and bring it back to normal.


ok thanks :)