Sexual Intelligence - A Touch of the Gods

Disclaimer - This is created by a third-party vendor and not by Sapien Medicine. Third-party products are not vetted directly by Captain.

There is intellectual (mental) intelligence - IQ. There is also emotional intelligence - EQ. But many people ignore, and sometimes do not even know about the existence of sexual intelligence.

It is from its presence depends on whether you are attracted to the opposite sex or not. Do you get full enjoyment from sex or many of your fantasies and needs remain unsatisfied.

You can take a lot of training and learn different techniques, but only a partner with a developed sexual intelligence at every moment knows exactly what and how to do during intimacy. And that’s why it’s so good with him, and no one ever leaves him.

“Developed sexual intelligence is 100 times better than a love spell.” Listen to this field to make your sex life varied, intense and full of thrills!



Wow, what a splendid creation. Very intruging

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Definitely gonna get this at some point.

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just bought this and Forgiveness
can’t wait to use

edit:oh no i forget use the code :scream: