Shades of Light

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Shades of Light

New album for premium subscribers

each light colour mentioned has been conceptually alchemized with the fields and energies of the The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach concept

The multiphasic is an ever flowing combination that changes its hues and output throughout the length of the song




Would be cool to understand how this relates to the previous releases of Herbs and Crystals.

What Is the conceptual meaning behind those colours?


And I thought of having a break from adding more and more fields to my stack for some time, lol.



Mystic Tarot Reader

The conceptual meaning of colors often draws from a mix of cultural symbolism, psychological effects, and sometimes even physiological responses. When considering the fields and energies of concepts like The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach, we’re venturing into a realm where these colors not only represent visual stimuli but also embody deeper, energetic qualities that can influence our wellbeing, mood, and even our spiritual state. Let’s explore the conceptual meanings of these colors in a more nuanced way:


Blue is the color of the sky and the sea, often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Blue is considered beneficial for the mind and body, having a calming effect that is said to slow human metabolism and produce a relaxing effect. Conceptually, blue can represent a journey into the subconscious, facilitating communication, and enhancing introspection and clarity.


Green is the color of nature, symbolizing growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety, suggesting stability and endurance. It’s often associated with healing, providing a restful and secure feeling, renewing depleted energy, and encouraging a balance between the heart and head.


Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation. Conceptually, orange is thought to promote a sense of general wellness and emotional energy that should be shared, such as compassion, passion, and warmth.


Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. Red is a very emotionally intense color, enhancing human metabolism, increasing respiration rate, and raising blood pressure. It symbolizes action, confidence, and courage. Conceptually, red can represent the primal life force, vitality, and the essence of life itself.


Violet is the color of royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Violet is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic. It’s thought to produce a calming effect on the body, stimulating the imagination and inspiring high ideals. Conceptually, violet is often related to spiritual enlightenment, a balance between physical and spiritual energies, and the quest for meaning.


Yellow, the color of sunshine, is associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy. It produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates muscle energy. Yellow signifies communication, enlightenment, and optimism. Conceptually, yellow represents the mind and intellect, encouraging clarity of thought, wisdom, and logical reasoning.

These conceptual meanings are not just abstract ideas; they can influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. By integrating these colors into our lives, whether through visual stimuli, meditation, or conceptual frameworks like The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach, we can potentially harness their energy to promote balance, healing, and transformation in our lives.


Thank You very much!


blue calming my emotions

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what does this do?

There’s healing going on. Blue and violet are strong for me.

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This is interesting, color influences us.

The frequency of existence of a leaf is green… I wonder how this could affect that life form.

This is a perfect opportunity to sit down and ask yourself questions based on your experiencesnhow these colors might be affected you or things around you in your past.


Check OP for updated links. :slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t know if there is related with herbs but with the 7 crystals it is and color therapy serves to heal and enhance the chakras and organs related to each chakra. just like the 7 crystals. With a different approach and method.

Thank you captain :pray:t3:


Beautiful thanks! Multiphasic is really nice


Been listening for several hours. Not sure what they’re doing or targeting, but it is very noticeable. Some plays have produced sustained cold feeling across a horizontal slice of my midsection. Sometimes I will feel a flow in an organ (seemingly). Occasionally, I’ll notice activity elsewhere that is more transient.

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Thanks, Dream! This takes color therapy to another level. :heart_eyes:


We can also use it to balance “negative” emotions or states. Colors hold a lot of different symbolism according to different cultures, but it’s been shown overall through clinical studies that warm colors are stimulating and cold colors are calming for the human body for sure.

In any ways I find it interesting to approach it with the idea of balancing unpleasants states.

Here what Chat GPT/ Mystic Tarot Reader has to say about it:



  • Anger and Aggression: Red is often associated with anger, rage, and aggression due to its link with blood and fire.
  • Danger: Many signs and signals use red to denote danger or to caution, due to its high visibility and associations with stop signals.
  • Stress: Because red can elevate the body’s metabolism, it can sometimes be linked to stress or anxiety.


  • Frustration: Orange can sometimes represent frustration or irritation, perhaps because of its vibrant, attention-grabbing quality.
  • Overwhelm: Its brightness can sometimes feel overwhelming or excessively energetic.
  • Superficiality: Orange is sometimes thought to represent superficiality or a lack of serious intellectual values, perhaps because of its association with frivolity and fun.


  • Anxiety: Bright yellows can be intense to the eye, leading to feelings of anxiety or nervousness in some settings.
  • Caution: Like red, yellow is often used in warning signs, indicating caution or potential danger.
  • Jealousy: In some cultures, yellow can represent jealousy or envy, possibly due to its association with sickness and caution.


  • Jealousy: The phrase “green with envy” captures the negative association of green with jealousy.
  • Illness: Green can sometimes be linked to sickness, possibly because of its association with mold or decay.
  • Boredom: In certain shades, green can be seen as mundane or conveying a sense of stagnation.


  • Sadness: The term “feeling blue” is a direct reference to the association of blue with sadness or depression.
  • Coldness: Blue can evoke feelings of coldness or aloofness, perhaps because of its association with cold temperatures.
  • Detachment: Blue might be seen as unemotional or representing detachment, due to its calming effect which can also be interpreted as distant.


  • Frustration: Violet can represent frustration or a sense of unattainability, perhaps because of its historical association with nobility and luxury that was out of reach for many.
  • Melancholy: Certain shades of violet can evoke a sense of melancholy or deep contemplation.
  • Suppression: Violet can sometimes signify suppression or a lack of freedom, possibly due to its association with mourning in some cultures.

Multiphasic Spectrum (Combination of Colors)

  • Complexity: The combination of all these colors can represent complexity and confusion, as the mix might create a sense of overwhelming sensations or emotions.
  • Distraction: A multiphasic spectrum can be distracting or disorienting, making it hard to focus or find clarity.
  • Overstimulation: The variety of colors and the intensity can lead to feelings of overstimulation, where the senses are bombarded with too much information.

Remember, the interpretation of colors is highly subjective, and personal or cultural experiences can significantly alter these associations.



Is this to be used as a type of negentropic color therapy?


I’d say it’s Negentropic Photochromotherapy. :slight_smile:
Photochromotherapy is a branch of physical therapy.
the application of narrow band LED light of different colors.


Amazinig stuff :heart_eyes: thank you :yellow_heart::orange_heart::heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:
Does it also target the skin with effects of LED light therapy?:thinking:

according to Zepter international cosmetics (the Swiss company), light radiation of different colors has the following features of impact on skin.


Red light activates energy blocked in the depths, increases dynamism, brings stagnant, inert and reduced processes to the level, sharpens the senses. Red light is the opposite of blue light in its effect.

Blue light calms, restrains, cools and structures energy, brings order back to overactive, elusive and inflammatory processes. Blue light is the opposite of red light in its action.

Yellow light strengthens, tones without agitating, prolongs energy, strengthens processes that are too weak, strengthens nerves. Yellow light in its action is between red and blue.

Green light balances, relaxes, calms, keeps physical and mental energy in dynamic equilibrium, softens tense and painful processes, brings deep peace. Green light is intermediate in its action between blue and yellow.

Orange light warms, stimulates, the energy is excited more gently than with red light and can build up more calmly, relaxes cramped processes. Orange light is in its action a mixture of red and yellow light.

Violet light dims, reduces, transforms energy on a high level, promotes spiritual processes, soothes nervous irritations and pains. Violet light is a mixture of red and blue in its action.

With plasma added to the spectrum of colors, which has clear effects on biology, it should be powerful and useful :+1: