Shades of Light

Maybe some variety

Just like Jen’s Blend field, the benefits of those crystals can already be achieved with other specialized fields, but Jen’s Blend feels unique

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Literally My Stack Since This AM.

And No, contrary to what i initially thought about the Gems Album that felt like a Quantum Love Album Primer, this way (now in the pic) feels more in tune, harmonious with aligned purpose, QL when i combined with the ones in the pic (except Shades of Light which i added just today) after a couple of days felt very different, a different type of energy, more raw and with “body” unmatching the beautiful subtle, etheric, colorful crystal type of flow from all the other new albums.

And what can come after all that magnificent re do of my physical inner world? The extra harmony intimate relationship to myself and then others.
Thats why i added the No Judgment and The Become a Being of Beauty and Innocence. I had already added the Entwined Worlds of Beauty and Joy before the Become a Being of B&I because it literally feels like the outer explosion of the beautiful Alchemy the other albums built, like the final embodiment of it all, so when that last audio came out, it felt like an extra push.

And now this one here today!! I could not get almost anything done today.

For the first time (since i usually play a new audio/album all by itself first) i felt like i would actually spoil the surprise of that momentum i would feel if i play this one after the previous album, so i did just that.

1st the Mandelbrot Album (obviously for the chakra reasons, but also because i have always felt those like they go up intertwining themselves starting from the very core of earth) grabbing all on its path joining them to continue the journey, this album felt initially very earthy. Like throwing down the existent tree (Me before) to then plant a new one, and now with these new albums it feels like the Ether Realms have come down to Unite with the new Earthy Me and together they rise to be just one as above so below.

I was saying i hardly did anything today. I was in extasis i just couldnt move, i was a being exploding in crystals, colors and roots, floating, rising, flying while at the same time my body felt thick, heavy (in a good way) planted! Rooted, belonging here and now while belonging there, up there too.

The Entwined Butterfly From The Worlds of Beauty and Joy. and Earthy-Etheric Butterfly almost ready… thats how i felt today.

Thank you for this!


I guess there’s only 1 way to figure out. Play each for a week without anything else and take note of the changes the occur and report back to us.

No one can deny you of what you experience.


Great album and nice thread of replies here already. Thanks for sharing some good info everyone. This link helps cover basic effects pretty well also


I would suggest you to research the chinese theory of The Five Elements and its applications in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Fen Shui.

For Schwaller (and Goethe), colour is essetially a ’neutralisation reaction’ between an ’acid’ (light) and a ’base’ (darkness), forming a ’salt’ (the colour phenomenon).

PS; being touched upon in the above article but way deeper theorized in his works, the above mentioned indigo’s secret fire is thoroughly theorized as the colour of accordance to the all-encompassing multi-spectrum, the perfect fifth in harmony with the essence of the quint; the astrological Jupiter, or the pineal in spirited matter(s)…

shared for in-sight as food for thought


Pretty sure no one ever does that, it is always existing stacks + new fields.

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Ruby > The root cause - red light
In a trio combo tonight and it is extremely grounding and invigorating.
I feel incredibly calm and centred by the Red light field. Very noticeably improved digestion and energy flow. I felt lethargic and extremely full after eating a large carb heavy meal about an hour earlier. Within 2 loops of the Red I was relieved and felt a massive increase In energy flow, blood flow and digestion.

I would say don’t loop too long as you may experience high blood pressure beyond what you desire tbh as it is that potent.

*Less clear and more abstract but it also provides a clearer sense of self discipline and a gentle introspection.


Yeap I’m aware, but look at us after all these years we’re still not enabled for such things.

It’s like we need to get spoon feed and be given down to the bone information on what the field does without it we’ll never know.

This isn’t just with fields but our programming in life always depending on people telling us what to know, giving us bits and bits of information without us extracting that on our own.

This isn’t a disrespect to anyone rather a new angle we should consider, these GPT generated information carry very little as they are quite generic. Same with the chakras resembles, we draw the conclusion that because they have the colors of the chakras they are linked to them.


Agree but people would already be using certain fields for some goals in their mind and skipping those for a day itself would be hard let alone for a week in order to test a new field. That is why I always take reviews with a pinch of salt.

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In general if something isn’t explained with prior knowledge or transferrable experience it’s exceptionally hard to understand.
Brightest and most trained scholars of their time spent a lot of resources on unfruitful research.
Schooling is imperfect but it tries to solve a very hard task, it’s essential to a progress often that answer is given upfront.
Linking of data is very important, arguably moreso than data or knowledge itself.
Foundational knowledge or understanding as well, like people wonder and build their own ideas what this album is for and as with other experiences in life or other some fields it’s reasonable to expect such questions. And “fundamentals” are usually the hardest for any person to learn on their own, they are studied whenever possible in any science or trade, not left to be rediscovered by practitioners if possible, as it’s far too time-consuming.

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I think the description is quite good. The Plasma Beach thread is huge and many of us have used that field (or it’s successors, as the case may be) for years. The beach field was light—and these are shades of that light. In my case, I thought it was really interesting that particular shades had more powerful effect on a given issue.

Maybe just use these fields in a row as a plasma beach session. When a shade finds something to work on, then maybe spend more time with it.


Are you able to feel / know which effect comes from which field?

In general I don’t feel anything from the fields in these gentle albums, so I am always impressed how people can feel the nuances between these fields. For example, I don’t feel anything from the Chakra fields in the Mendelbrot album but I do feel my Chakras when I play the older Chakra audios or Taaffeeite Crystal.

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Thanks. This would be a viable solution, however due to opportunity cost this will not be feasable for me personally. I cannot afford to lose my momentum from most of the other fields that I am listening to.

Found these:

Chromotherapy - Functional Medicine of Idaho,


I guess it’s for everyone. But if you want to access it without YouTube you have to pay 7$ at the patreon shop
The premium members just don’t need to pay those 7$ to be able to download it as in it’s free for them

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Gotcha :relaxed:

Interesting, what fields JAAJ do you find the most powerful that you actually feel a tangible effect from sapiens and PU? Like the one that you actually feel the most. I heard a lot of people talk about soul continuum and so your post about it but I def don’t have the income for that, in fact, the income for most fields for now lol.

Would love for you to share your fav fields, and ones that you had the most tangible results, or that you could recommend.

Maybe sapien can create a more powerful field to expand energy sensitivity. In fact I heard PU making a field for energy sensitivity called Astro surgery for energy sensitivity, that one might really open up one to feel fields much more like this one.

Lastly what about A Taste of Vaikuntha Loka, it seems like a hidden gem for sure.

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Thank You Very Much, Captain, for These New Releases!! :pray:

Gonna check them out soon (my schedule is kinda full :grin:).