Shadow Men 𓋏 - Operation Fidelio NFT (Closed)

Very interesting, I have dabbled into this area myself a couple of times. It would be interesting tosee how far off or close I am to what’s actually happening. I’m interested @gdplex


The first one is the best. I played it like 20 times and still replay it like ca. once per year. It has an extremely high replay value. You may wanna check out some spoiler free game reviews on YouTube. One needs at least 4-5 playthroughs to discover 95% of the hidden stuff in the game.

The 2nd one is very average and only for hardcore fans.

I haven’t played the newer ones (3rd, 4th and 5th), only watched the walkthroughs. They have better graphics of course, but the game depth, story, music, dialogues etc. are far away from reaching the quality level of the first game.

But story wise, I think the sequence goes like this:

  1. 3rd to 5th Game
  2. 1st Game
  3. 2nd Game

Looks like a must have

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Group starts Wednesday

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Once it is made, would be curious to know about moon landing.

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I was watching this the other day after getting Mult brain it was a whole different experience

The CIA Operation Mockingbird media….if you know, you know. Damn, wish I saw this thread earlier. I def want a copy when it comes out.
I’m a library of Truth knowledge- I hate the term conspiracy theorist, which was invented by the CIA themselves.


Yeah that term was just for shock value with this project man.

But if you know you know.

Truth matters more then anything to me in this so called reality.

Will probably be my most important project yet.


Moon landing


Jeffrey Epstein

zodiac Killer and serial killer mysteries.

Hollywood cults.

CIA trafficking.

this is gonna cover everything.



I agree! I will be on the lookout for a copy.

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Okay vote here.

  • I want to reveal it all and wish to be part of the group.

0 voters


Group to be made soon.

Thread is closed.


5 more people.


Interested in your project

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Thanks to you ;)


Good looks.

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