---Abandoned Project ---

I don’t know much Sanskrit, so forgive me if the term is wrong. Shakti meaning like the metaphysical principle or Devi in an ultimate sense and Marga meaning pathway. Those are the ideas for this NFT.

Over the years, I’ve looked into quite a few religions and spiritual practices. I’ve spent an uneven amount of time on each of them. But, with the work I’ve done with Taoism, I’ve noticed a pattern that seems to show up almost everywhere.

There are a lot of religions that will focus on a Masculine sense of divinity and spiritual attainment. This makes a certain level of sense because the natural world is typically regarded as feminine (e.g. “Mother Nature”), and heaven/God would be something opposite yet complementary (thus, masculine).

But, it has also been noted in Shakti-oriented traditions that consciousness can’t do anything without matter. That is, “Shiva”/“God” can’t do anything without Shakti. And, from this perspective, the feminine element of Divinity is regarded as supreme.

In my own studies, a common pattern that I have seen is that many significant male spiritual figures have a sort of mythology where their power, capabilities, and existence depends in some way on a goddess. Frequently, the goddess would be a teacher.

So this project idea is one that takes Shakti in the widest conceivable earthly sense and seeks to receive her blessing and guidance.

The widest conceivable sense would include deities or divine concepts from every region of the world and every tradition. It can include deities like Amaterasu from Japan, Taemonim from Korea, Guanyin of China, The Taoist Immortal Sisters, Yeshe Tsogyal, Sophia from the Greek/gnostic tradition, the thousands/millions of Devis from India, Shekhinah from the Abrahamic tradition, etc.

Karma-Yoga Perfected- A continuous infusion with the energy of the Goddess and a push in all areas of life so that the NFT owners conduct will be regarded as acceptable and pleasing to the Goddess.
Bhakti Realized - A heart-based connection to the Goddess and the ability to experience the full range of bhakti-related attainments (e.g. being able to sense the energy of the Goddess wherever it is in the universe, in every person, etc.).
Jnana Realized - An intuitive connection to the library of spiritual knowledge that exists in every spiritual tradition, and continuous integration of this knowledge in accordance with personal interest, natural affinity, and applied efforts
Mukti Realized - Regardless of the type of spiritual regimen a person commits to, this will be a guarantee that the Goddess will bless and guide the person towards the highest possible attainment. Ultimate Liberation/Immortality, if possible.
Ishta-Guru - If the NFT owner has one or more deities they have an affinity with, then those specific deities can form a personal pantheon and be energetically present for the NFT owner providing special guidance.
Raja-Yoga Perfected - When in meditation, it will be as though every form of Shakti is meditating with the NFt owner and as though the NFT owner’s ishta deity/deities are meditating right next to them.


Nicely pulled together, Noesis! :slight_smile:


Wonderful indeed :pray: :pray: Very succicnt and comprehensive conceptualization by Noesis.

Like they say: if a woman is given a hand, she occupies the entire body, thanks to her dynamism. The same applies to Shakti - she is so pervasive, she pervades with her ruddiness even the crystal-clear Shiva and all I see is Shakti and none else (metaphysically, Shiva cannot be understood without Shakti). She is the path, she is the teacher, she is the student, she is learning, she is the lesson, she is also the learner.

Amazing that such concepts are coming forth here, blessed are we … :pray:


I’d like to join in

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Cool :+1:

The outline was the basic idea, I might tweak it a bit so it fits the template better (additions/ideas are also welcome) but, overall, The Goddess should be the one in charge of how it goes.

That makes three who sound like they’d commit to buying the project… but can we make it to 10?

It would probably be just a mandala unless people would want an audio as well.

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Thank you very much, to those who are interested :pray:

I’ll make a private thread and hopefully we can make it to 10

I’ve had an interesting and somewhat visionary day with the project in the back of my mind, so I have plenty of inspiration for reformatting things to fit the submission template. I’ll make the group once I’ve finished the current outline.



If it’s a mandala only, then the price would be $250, but an audio could be added if enough people want

We’ll need 4 more people to make it to 10.

But, if the fields in the outline will be workable, I’d gladly buy two. So we’ll need at least 3 more people.

250- mandala
275- mandala + audio


oops… fixed

Thanks :+1:

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Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

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If the stars align, then perhaps it will happen.

But, even if it doesn’t, it’s been an interesting experience getting the ideas. It’s as though Shakti herself was already listening to my thoughts and intent. Different layers of energy and thought that were unnecessary have fallen to the side as the ideas for this project were developing.

Early on, it was easy to get pulled into the religious forms and icons, but this seems to have made me more aware of the entire cosmic force. Shakti is everything.

Maybe I like Shakti too much :rofl: . But just the potent changes just from developing the ideas make it feel as though this could be pretty close to complete enlightenment in the form of an NFT.

There’s that, and this is a pretty nice centerpiece:


At this point, the group had been disbanded due to a lack of people. But then was halfways revived by special request.

I had recently picked up the Kundalini Shakti project and am seeing that it does a lot of what this project would have done (but in a more personalized way).

Would there be any interest in a reworking of this project giving emphasis to the ideas of Advaita, Prema-Bhakti, Bhava-Bhakti, and developing recognition and heart-based connections to all forms of Shakti (in the expansive cosmic sense)

It would be a project that aims to create something new in the universe—a uniquely expansive and comprehensive development of the heart chakra/spiritual heart to become all-encompassing.

It’s a bit of a novelty project idea for people who have a deep appreciation for Shakti/The Goddess and would like to step into a state of being where the ecstatic consciousness embodied in works like the Soundarya Lahari could be experienced (in some way) all the time.

If there’s not enough interest that shows up, then I’ll just drop it completely.

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