Shielding tag and Energetic Protection

Hi folks!

So I’m eagerly awaiting the arrival of my Shielding tag for my physical and psychic well-being, and I just wanted to confirm that I understand the scope of my incoming tag’s protection.

The teespring description says: “This item carries a field of full spectrum shielding” and elsewhere it is written that it includes, “empathic shielding : shielding from the emotional influence of others”. Does this mean for sure that it can block energy-sensitive/empaths from doing reading your energy/aura etc etc?

I know of an acquaintance who does unsolicited ‘readings’ of others’ energy/vibes and then questions them/puts them on the spot, which I see it as an uncomfortable overstepping of boundaries.



It shields you from being too empathic or taking in too much of other people’s negativity.

It says it is imbued to protect you from psychic attacks, this may provide the kind of protection you are talking about.


Yeah, I was considering that. Then I started getting into the nitty-gritty wondering if a ‘casual’ invasion of privacy would count as an attack. I guess it still does, though!

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The Shielding and Aura of Fear subfields can also prevent unwanted intrusions.

From the full Shielding Protection item description on the Sapien website:

Shielding : Your body and mind naturally produce a psychic membrane around you all the time that prevents most psychic intrusions into your mind, at least the casual ones. This field strengthens this into a hardened field of psychic force that activates to stop negative energies and ideas from reaching your mind, while allowing positive feelings and energies in without trouble. Even major league psychics and less than natural entities will have trouble getting through this!

Aura of Fear: The name is a little bit over-dramatic perhaps, but it really will cause anyone looking for a victim to think twice about picking you. You will suddenly seem dangerous for some reason, regardless of your physical size or true danger, and the would be attacker or criminal will feel increasingly uncomfortable and wish to go away from you. This is a measured effect, so that if a person is likely to attack from fear, they will simply feel uncomfortable, but extremely so!

The Shielding Protection dog tag can protect against both the effects of the intrusive, uncomfortable questions, and quite possibly against these unwanted intrusions, as the ‘unsolicited “readings”’ and invasion of privacy you have described might be considered your being affected by ‘anyone looking for a victim’.


I’d be happy to report the results the next time I meet this person, whenever that may be. :slight_smile:


Please do. I would like to know what happens with this person.

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my teacher got percussions from yelling at me i could see tears dropping from his eyes and he tried to wipe them with his finger. Like he yelled at me and within a second he understood that he can’t get through and now he respects me way more than before


I’ve had the tag for about a month and I’m not noticing any benefits to having it. The reason I got it was due to privacy invasions and that hasn’t changed due to wearing the tag daily. Any suggestions for me? Specifically I’m talking about keeping my thoughts private and stopping taking on the unwanted energy of others.

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Hey – I haven’t been in any situations that might put my Shielding tag to the test yet, but maybe what I did to improve the effects of the Abundance & Prosperity tag will help you out.

Basically, for several painful days, I was encountering bad luck while wearing my shiny new A&P tag. Things began turning around when I started listening to the following audios overnight:

  • Probability Alteration

  • Subconscious Limits Dissolver

  • Self-Love & Acceptance

I figured one or all of the above is helping to clear subconscious doubt and negativity that might be rendering the tag less effective.

As for the issues you’re describing in particular, have you tried the Shielding card from Dreamweaver’s Psychic Card System? I haven’t yet since I need to get them printed, but it can’t hurt to give that a shot. Try Salt Cleanse or Clear Negativity audios at the end of the day too, if you aren’t already, to shed the unwanted energy that sticks to you. I’m in the habit of doing this after work.

I forget where this wording came from, it’s definitely not mine, but perhaps take a moment to hold your shielding tag and think to yourself, ’ ”I ask my subconscious to engage and accept this energy at this moment’.

Wishing you all the best with this. Let us know how it goes?


I would listen to the Chakra audios and Sou/Core Energy Restoration. I already am but not for this reason. I believe you are serving others who are not on your side. You are serving them with your energy and through your chakras. It’s an energetic habit you need to break. It’s not your fault. Many habits were formed before we were conscious enough to choose or not choose them.

Taking on someone’s negative energy is a service you are providing them so they don’t have to process their own negative energy. Expressing yourself to someone who is not on your side when it is not beneficial to you to do so, is a way of serving them.


Thank You! I feel like this really is the start of me finally solving and correcting this problem that I’ve been dealing with for at least 2 years now. That blog and video really helped and I’ll have to find the chakra audios, do you have a link? My current playlist is the subconscious blocks remover 2.0, The Energy Blockage Remover, and Become Whole, once in the Am and once right after getting home from work.


Here are the Chakra Audios on Gumroad.

Energy Blockage Removal on Dream Seeds’ channel works on all chakras. I see you are already using this one.

I feel the Soul/Core Energy Restoration audio is even more important because before I used it, even working on my chakras meant I would just leak energy through them. This audio gave me a good reason and ability to come back to working on my chakras.

Cutting Etheric Cords also on Dream Seeds’ channel can be an ok substitute for a while if you need to save up for Soul/Core Energy Restoration. It does not do the same thing. But it’s the closest thing to a substitute I know of.

You’re welcome. I’m happy for your progress.


Thank you Atreides for these clarifications and especially the last sentence. It makes a lot of sense for some failed dialogue experiences that I had in the past.

By the way I also received the Shielding tag this morning. Too early to give any feedback but the stuff is strong for sure!


Just to update I’ve added in Depression/Stress/Anxiety relief. Also Probability & Luck Alteration. I also added in the Amygdala Healing + Fear Release, which I believe is going to be most impactful for me and get to the root of a lot of the issues I’ve been working through.

I’ve also just started using Mornah’s Healing Prayer this week. You read it four times on your “issue” and then just continue to clear with the ho’oponopono mantra. Thank you. I love you. I’m Sorry. Please Forgive me.

I had to quit my job and all signs pointed it was time to go. I’d planned on sticking out the rest of the month but the situations really peaked this week and I had to walk away sooner than I had planned. Since leaving I felt a freedom and grace and love and everything that’s been missing for the last year. I experience life as an empath and I’d hoped by continuing to work on myself that that would change “my world.” Well it hasn’t. I’d even gone to praying though I’m not a church goer but the Lord’s Prayer also seems to help. I will say it out loud as soon as I’m faced with a “mind invader”.

It’s the craziest thing to have people know every thought you think and they say it out loud and they say whatever you’re doing and feeling out loud as well. I guess that’s called psychic attack and they’re somehow using my energy against me but they don’t even know they’re doing it. I just have to grin and bear it and it doesn’t happen with everyone. With “good” people I purposely will test it and think thoughts and they can’t “hear” them. The people who do this lack the ability to ever see that invading a person’s privacy is wrong. It’s unbelievable. But I think this new audio and my tools are really going to help me.

I used to love nature being in nature appreciating the beauty. Well I’ve been out in nature on weekends but never see any wild life. Well since I quit my job I’ve had a flock of Canadian geese land in front of me while I was at the river. I had so many signs saying go fishing. I grew up fishing and with work life I haven’t gone in years. So I did and I think it was more about getting back near a body of water in nature. Yesterday I also had a flock of small birds hopping around in the grass in front of me while I was filled with gratitude and able to feel good again since I cut ties with my old job.

I just wanted to share because I know even one person might find hope for their own situation. It can get better and it will, but if you’re going through hell, keep going. :smiley:

P.S. Is there some way to maybe activate my shielding tag that I wear?


The shielding tag is always active. Infact, there is no way to turn it off. So it will always work for your benefit


Hold it in your right hand (or touch your forefinger and middle finger to it) and say “I honor the space in which you exist.”


Thank you for the suggestion. I have done it and if nothing else it gets me back in touch with the sacredness in me. I have been honoring and respecting things a lot more and maybe at some point that will transition over to the world which seems to have lost respect at least from the human perspective.

Again, thank you. I honor the space in which you exist as well. :D


Well I haven’t gotten really the effects I was hoping for. It’s still been like there’s zero barrier and like I said this even came to a peak last week and for whatever reason was really given no way out but to quit my job. Prayer, the audios, meditation, sedona method, ho’oponopono, EFT you name it.

I’ve had the tag for at least 3 months with no noticeable effects on me, it’s been like I’m energetically/psychically naked or something :flushed:. I’ll continue to wear it but I think the new Amygdala Healing + (Fear Release) audio by Sapien is gonna help me big time. No major results yet but I’ve been listening twice daily for about a week now but others’ early reports appear promising.


What other tags do you have? One of them may be interfering, although it is unlikely.

Secondly, I leveled up with this tag when I stopped resisting an aspect of it my ego wouldn’t let me let go of: saying no.

My experiences are similar to the review of this tag on Enlightenedstates:

It’s like this field forces me to strongly say “NO” to any negative message someone tries to send me, and then it holds me in that state of saying No for some time afterward. And it feels a little taxing if you are used to being in a more allowing state.

I noticed this when my family was trying to send me an image of me being selfish to guilt me into interacting with them.

In their image of me, I was someone who was reckless, cared only about himself, and wouldn’t care if my family even died. Extreme, I know.

Earlier in my life I would have loyally done what they asked because who would want their family to have this perception of them?

I had the realization that my morality is okay, and that I’m okay to say no to my family and that doesn’t equate to me wishing they were dead. I just want my boundaries. This allowed the shielding tag to actually begin working for me and stop changing my self-image to what they wanted for me.

This shield is a must for empaths because people are altering your perception of them all the time.

People who want you to like them, in any aspect, will project a more idealized image of themselves. Its not in any way wrong, it just is what it is, but theres great benefit in being able to look past that image.

Try listening to this as well with your use of the tag:

This helps when you’ve been psychically attacked or are listening to too many fields. Psychic attacks and too many fields will deplete your aura. This fills your aura up with energy and its a must after I’ve been out and about in the world.


Has there beem any noticeable change since you got the tag? And may I know what other tags you have. And how has your energy levels been lately since you got the tag?