The last couple of months I haven’t seen any results from sapien’s fields. Should i perhaps take a break for a couple of months or should I keep going? I wear intercession and best path in life. These are the field I listen to:
Hi @Kristiyan,
Did you start using those fields all at once? Personally, I’m currently using at least 20 fields every day (and sometimes even more with portals, occasional maintenance fields, etc.). But it hasn’t been always like this.
I was lucky to first discover Subconscious Limits Removal before any other morphic field and I spent some time with ONLY that one. Then I added another one and observed the effects. Then another one, etc. It went like that.
As also recommended by the most experienced users here, I still take 24-36 hour breaks whenever I feel the need (also from the tags) and I always use Deep Body/Aura Cleaning after these.
So yes, you might be needing a break right now (not necessarily for months though) and then restart with slower/shorter steps including tracks like SLR, Ego Dissolution, the others in the No Return and/or the “new essential” which is Plasma Beach.
Agreed with our friend bronyraur!
I like to think of our energetic body as a computer. You can open many programs at once, but there’s only so much it can process.
‘Less is more’ might be something that resonates with your situation.
I recommend cutting down the audios to less than 10 to make them work as best as possible.
Also add in Love, Gratitude, and Appreciation as well as Plasma Light & Infrasound Bioactive Beach to speed up results
If you feel like you’re pushing (forcing) yourself take a break from so many audios and listen to the essential for example SLR, ego dissolution, plasma light, deep aura cleanse.
The more youre wanting results the more “wanting” you’ll get from the universe. Take an easy (whatever sorta mindset) approach to the audios and you’ll see results much faster after you stop wanting to see the end goal.
Thanks guys! I will stop listening to fields completely for 3 months. And after that i will listen only to SLR, ego dissolution, plasma light and point of no return for 1 month. What should i do aith my tags during this period? Should i wear them or should i store them away for some time?
So during the time that i don’t listen to any fields i can wear BPIL and intercession? Wouldn’t it be better if i placed them away for some time?
If you feel that you will have better results after a break from all morphic fields, i would say go for it!
The contrast definitely makes results more noticeable from my experience
Hey there,
How did taking a break work for you? I am kind of in the same boat after feeling some nasty overload a month ago.
Hello, mate!
It was a long time ago, but as far as I remember the break helped me as I was listening to too many fields. If you are feeling overwhelmed I would suggest that you stop listening to everything including subliminals for some time. After that you can start adding fields only 1 by 1, basically adding only 1 field a day this way you can track how you feel.
Thank you so much! How long of a break did you end up taking? I feel much better already but thinking of waiting more. I want to be sure I’m 100% before I try again
I think it was about a month. Should be more than enough for your aystem to go back to normal.
Awesome, that’s really encouraging. Did you do that first month back with ego dissolution and SLR only? Was that the missing ingredient?
I have been doing a lot of research. At first I thought I needed grounding and nerve fields but now I think that those two tracks may be the key.
The only fields that I used during my break were the best path in life and intercession tags. I remember adding Ego dissolution and SLR as the first fields in my sleep stack after my one month break was over. I would say that adding grounding after the break would be helpful as well, but during the break I would prefer to so grounding out in nature without actually using the field.
Thank you so much. That is so helpful! So instead of using them as a primer you used them at the end of the day? That’s interesting.
Yes I have been doing plenty grounding. It has been a good month for doing qigong barefoot under trees and meditating with black tourmaline.
Yeah something like that. I use it qt the beginning of my sleep stack after which I follow with the rest of my sleep stack. In total maybe 5-6 hours. Basically I am not using them suring the day because i do not have the time. That method of grounding sounds really cool and chill. My grounding consists of going to the countryside during the weekend and helping my grandparents with their farm. Quite refreshing from everyday life.
Thank you so much for all the useful information. I am giving myself at least another couple weeks before I try fields again but I will let you know how it goes.
Best of luck!