Skin Moles and other Blemishes

Hi Everyone,

I’m new to Sapien fields as of about a week and a half ago. It is quite fascinating and already experiencing both subtle and more obvious shifts. I’m very much looking forward to continuing the journey with all the many possibilities (it’s a bit overwhelming to have them all at my fingertips. I want to use them alllll!)

After searching on the forum, youtube, and the paid sites there was 1 topic that I seem to either be missing or it hasn’t been done yet. Skin moles and blemishes (besides acne.) I have several on my body in various places from head to toes. It has been a self confidence and self esteem killer for pretty much my whole life to be honest. In addition to that, my family has a history of skin cancers and moles as well. I just seem to have gotten the double whammy from both sides of the family. I’ve had some removed in the past (all non-cancerous) and others just continue to appear each year from small to large.

Long story short, does anybody have solid recommendations on tracks that would help with releasing them and replacing them with healthy natural scar free skin? Or perhaps a way to pass this along to Sapien creators? I emailed and so far have not received a response. It seems the fields that are focused for skin are more around acne, toning up, scars, but not moles. I just want healthy normal skin!

Thanks! I appreciate the help!


Hi ! Just as a prelude have you examined the blood sugar/diabetes connection with moles? I will see if I can help with the fields portion of your question. I am sure others will be along to help.


Hi Rosechalice,

Thanks for the welcome and reply. My Father, Grandfather, Grandmother and Uncle all on my Dad’s side had Type 2 Diabetes. They’ve all since passed. My Mothers’ side I am not aware of any that have Diabetes. I will say it was mostly lifestyle choices for them. I am not overweight, if anything UNDER weight for my frame. When I have had a blood test within the past 8 months, it came back in the normal range. I don’t usually overindulge in sugary foods or drinks, but I don’t abstain from eating sugar entirely either. I started getting moles as early as 3 years old. A large one in the center of my chest (which i’ve had removed) in the exact same spot as my Grandfather on my mom’s side. Which I found interesting in reflection later in life, perhaps it means nothing. My brother also has a fair amount of moles but not quite as many as I do. He also eats pretty healthy and not overweight.


In searching for natural cures, apple cider vinegar is beneficial internally and externally. That might mean that pH and mineral deficiencies could be at play. Like I said before, no doubt someone who has already used Captain’s fields for this will show up and assist you soon. I will also be interested in this. There are fields for skin, but I wonder if there is a more field-specific approach that others might have tapped into already.


Yes, I’ve come across that as well. I’ve tried ACV for a while, baking soda, and I do supplement a lot with both trace minerals and other important minerals such as magnesium. I’ve had a “medical intuitive” tell me they think it is tied to Epstein-Barr Virus several years ago. They gave me a homeopathic remedy that did nothing. I’ve been down a lot of rabbit holes trying to find a root cause solution. The external remedies all leave significant scars. I had 1 bloodroot “remedy” that ended up being so acidic it ate through all the layers of skin down to the muscle.

If there isn’t a direct stack for the solution, perhaps that could be the next new one to be released! :) There are many many people in the world who would benefit from seeing the results of healthy normal skin.

Thanks for the replies and diligence :)


While you are waiting for input from other forum members, here’s the suggestion section:


I don’t have experience with fields dealing with those issues however I’m wondering if you take supplements that help prevent sun related damage? It’s important in helping to prevent getting new moles, sun spots or even cancer. I play tennis in the late afternoon a couple of times a week so I take Heliocare (brand name of a polypodium leucotomos extract), niacinamide also known as nicotinamide, and astaxanthin for their UV protective properties.

Each of them have studies showing some level of protection from UV damage to skin. There is also an astaxanthin field on gumroad which I recently started listening to but not sure when I will give up taking the actual supplement. There have been multiple studies on them but I’ll just include 1 of each below and you can search for more if you want.


Thanks, I appreciate the links and supplement info. I’ll look into those! To be honest I don’t really go out in the sun much at all. When I do it is usually with long sleeves and pants with a hat on. Areas that never get sunlight still have moles appear.

It has been seemingly a lifelong quest to get to the root cause of them for me. To heal the current ones and to stay ahead of future ones as well.


I just posted a lengthy request with my proposed possible causes. Throwing the kitchen sink at it! :sweat_smile:

Thank you for pointing me in that direction. Hopefully Captain Nemo sees it and it resonates!

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Good luck on your request, TruthSeeker! :slight_smile:

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Idk he mentions Black Salve but it doesn’t sound very safe or easy to use (unsafe more due to being unable to find a proper producer?). I’m not too sure about it either.

  1. How long? In simple cases, the mole, wart or tumor will fall off by itself in 10 days to about four weeks. This will leave a small hole, which will slowly fill in by itself in another few weeks.
    The healing can take longer, however, if there is a deep infection in the area. It can require two months or even more if there is a lot of infection or cancer in the area.

Again, read all the warnings, honestly I wouldn’t dare to touch this stuff :upside_down_face:
But maybe Capt can look at this Black Salve instead :joy: