Small "problem"

So, I kind of abuse the like button, I read a thread, let’s say 90% of posts I find useful, so I’ll like them all (all those that I enjoy) :joy:.

Well, that doesn’t happen every day, but sometimes it happen…
Would you consider this a problem - liking too many posts/replies?
It’s like I’m Santa Claus, have a like, hey, you too, yep, another like…

This thread is in the category of small “problems”/“issues”.


I don’t think I can ever forgive you that…
I mean, everybody has his own style, just keep it doing as you like, it’s your own preferences, it’s subjective, so I would advise you to keep it to yourself, make clear to yourself what exactly do u wanna express and go with what you feel like it’s best for you.


Thank you. :grinning:
Yep, I guess I’ll keep being me. :grin:


like, overall, you won’t find much of “universal” answers when it comes to each own style of things, things that are subjective to the core. There are people who pretty much like everything or everything “except from enemies” or then everything from friends or just some things that are very interesting or just nothing lol. The like may mean you support that, or you just like that, or you relate to it somehow, or just that you have read it.


Here we are, on a spiritual forum, yet the “enemy” business is still on; I remember that Captain said that we are quite ego driven with our posts (I’ll search for his words).

Edit: I guess it wasn’t his reply/his words to a post that I read, anyway, the ego issue is still on.

Next Edit: I found the quote. :sweat_smile: It was in another thread than the one I thought.

Lol, I guess this proves he’s right, how much ego driven (to prove my point) I am to go and search for his words. :sweat_smile:

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Yeah… But at the same time, let’s say, you’re less likely to like posts of someone who was repeatedly rude to you, talked crap behind your back, etc.

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Yep, in such a case I would probably like their posts less frequently. :grin:

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I don’t think it’s a big deal do what you want

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The you doesn’t exist…

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Thank you. :+1: I guess I will. :grin:

The you doesn’t exist as in it’s not your problem or choice, but is mine (so, I should be me and do what I like/want regardless of what others want - am I understanding this correctly, 'cuz you got me confused a little bit, with your reply)?

There is no others. You are hallucinating everyone.
You are all alone in the universe.

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Well, then is a great hallucination, why am I not hallucinating a billion dollars?

Because you are hallucinating not having a billion dollars.

Damn, gotta try harder…
Midthunder, I gotta be honest and I hope you are alright, this kind of thinking might not help you…
If it’s an abstract notion, it’s alright…

I don’t understand what do you mean. But thanks.

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Precense is ONE thing.



This belief vibrates at 0.0001 Hz


Well you’re probably only the one who likes my posts/comments most of the time which is quite generous of you to say at least :joy:

I don’t think it’s anything to do with what people actually say that is useful, whether it brings any value or if what they’re saying is interesting. It’s mostly about favouritism or some similarities to social nepotism.


You are very logical and make a lot of sense

I will put your comment 0/10 because you had to say that that it’s a subconscious block and the 96th chakra needs unblockage.

Also you had to recommend ego dissolution for 179th time and put a zoomer-boomer-doomer meme