I don’t know if this is possible, but what if sapien had done this? What if we had an intelligent spiritual organ that stabilized both the chakras and all physical organs and healed when needed? The keyword is “smart” We would never be sick. At the slightest problem the spiritual organ could step in, send healing and stabilize everything. He could scan us physically and spiritually and fix whatever was irregular. For example, physically balancing your bad cholesterol when rises, corrects your stress hormones even when you experience chronic stress, produces antioxidants and prevents DNA damage when you experience oxidative stress, understands this when the teleomers are shortened, lengthens the teleomers carefully, straightens them when the dna gets damaged and removes cancerous damage. repairing that is, an intelligent organ or system that corrects everything strange and unstable in your body. I think it would be perfect. and it would be best to be able to turn it on or off with certain words. Do you think sapien could create such a thing?
I apologize for my bad English 27282828 times I am thinking of changing my name to iamsorryforbadenglish soon so that when I write something I will not have to apologize for my bad English