So how do you tackle violent killing bullies?

So you’re driving your car and an asshole comes up and threatens you, with blood in his eyes. What do you do? Fear comes up, even though you’re in the right, what do you do? What do you do?

Emphatic shielding mandala or Shielding tag or Repel negativity mandala or Michael mandala.


you fuck him up


I live in a country with 0 respect when it comes to traffic. The big butchery 24/7. Especially if you’re a motorcyclist, you are harassed and threatened all the time. Collective (phallic) castration anxiety, some would say. I’m always amused to see the shocked reactions of foreigner friends/relatives who are visiting…

In addition to Owl’s suggestions, stopping the vehicle, taking deep breaths and telling the guy (or girl) something like: “You had a bad day too, yes?” works sometimes.

Some other times, playing Jimi Hendrix’s Crosstown Traffic too (or a similar tune. Humor, you know).

And some other times… simply fleeing :)


I snatch the energy out of his body into my right palm, quickly recite 3x the incantation for the 1st Pentacle of The Sun, and command his mind, body, and spirit, to “leave now and never come back, or to immediately die and depart from this world.”

If he doesn’t like it I hit him until he gets the fuck out.



Forgive my ignorance… what’s a violent killing bully?

Someone who actually wanna kill you? :thinking:

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I do not have it in me to behave in that manner.

My palms hold the power of Andras, as my spirit holds his sigil.


I have no desire whatsoever to enable bullying.

I am literally writing a book entitled “How to Kill People with Your Mind” unironically.


Will it have some safety trick in it or literaly everyone who read it can go around killing people?

I have no intention of adding any tricks.

However your energetic muscles are like your physical ones. And there are plenty of people right now who already know (Hilary’s probably never paid for a physical hit in her life, people just attract death when they cross her). IMHO, the best way to ensure people live harmonious and successful lives is if everyone is energy sensitive… and has the power to use it.

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I dont know who is Hilary and if she killed a lot of people…lol

But to me sound just like reinventing a gun… dont think you get harmonious life by teaching everyone how to shoot and giving everyone a gun…

But again thats me, good luck with your goal :+1:t2:

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So we dont have an harmonious world cause there are not enough guns for everyone… :thinking:

Lets hope for a future where everyone can shoot who or whatever he likes than… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I think the big problem is real understanding instead and the quite low vibration of collective consciousness (what I mean is masses are kept in fear, sadness, apathy… and guns or any weapon doesnt solve that)

Thats all for me

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An armed society is a polite society. And I think wisdom is born of knowledge. There are lots of martial arts dojos, and you’ll very quickly learn a variety of ways of ending a fight lethally. It happens less because people are more confident and in control of the situation.

But ultimately we’ve given unequal power to those with the physical weapons, when in fact, our consciousness is the only weapon we need. The second we seize its power, we no longer need to fear an NPC telling us what we may consume, or what we may wear, or how, or when, or anything else. Authority by its very nature is superfluous and ineffective. The war is won.


I have been into martial arts for more than 20 years, and have been teaching for about ten.
Even if anyone can come to my lessons, I make sure to teach something when one is “ready” for it. Some will move faster, some slower, some may never get it (some will stagnate at the very beginning of journey).

But yeah I very well know there are a lot of MA teachers that teach anything to anyone, basically for money and cause that “makes them cool” (covering their big insecurities).
A lot of people dont understand what the purpose of martial arts is.

This is something happened recently in my conutry related to this

Btw I agree with this but was not my point :wink:

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or you watch this movie :d


Pretty self-explanatory lol.

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