I don’t know the answer to your question, sorry, but I am appreciative you brought this program up. I have been wishing there was a way to better balance Dream’s audios for listening at night. Thank you.
My guess would be that if you only change the decibels you should be good. I dont use that software, I use audacity (free) but it should work the same in principle.
I just saw your other thread on decibels. Later today I’ll pick an audio and upload it to audacity adjust the decibels and give a field test for a day or 2. I’ll let you know what I find out
So I went with the Mindfulness audio (a personal favorite) and gave it some listening at various Decibels adjustments and speaker volumes.
From what I can tell, I was able to get to about -17dB with my speakers on max and it felt the same as if it it was at base Db and speakers set around 50%. (Note- I left my headphones at a friends so this was done with PC monitor speakers)
I did find that volume seems loosely correlated with effectiveness, up to a certain point. For me there seems to be a Sweetspot/Goldilocks volume that is just right to listen to. Not too loud, not too quiet, just enough to match up the vibe and meditate to.
Thanks for sharing those observations. My Nightly stack sometimes shocks me awake, as some tracks are way louder than others and I have always shied away from normalizing volume so as to not affect the effectiveness of the field.
It could all be in my head, if the volume is too low, I somehow don’t “feel” the fields/energy from the fields.
Yea I dont listen to audios at night unless it is one or 2 I fall asleep to, but there are a couple that I could see could benefit from lowering the dB.
Volume depends on what I’m doing. If I am meditating to an audio I definitely want it to be loud enough, but if I have it in the background I normally play them just loud enough to hear them and then pretend there not there.
Like if I am practicing my guitar it needs to be very quiet so I can focus, I still find them to be quite effective though