Solfeggio 9 in 1 with 0


but working on it.


Seems to me Sapien Medicine may be cursing itself - with Pinocchio.

huh? what do u mean

Please read my full post, it’s pretty clear, but i’ll be happy to elaborate.




ohhh, plasma chakra?

is it that request bup is talking about

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I think these guys don’t have malice in their hearts when buying

It’s not them

It’s the ones who know that should be Mr. Pinocchios, in my opinion, which the field can detect I’m sure


How does it change the fact that the field does not work?

It doesn’t matter, it shouldn’t work if bought illegally


Thus back to my original statement. “Sapien Medicine” gets a bad reputation because the fields don’t work. New Release - Solfeggio 9 in 1 with 0 - #19 by FuzzyPops

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But then those who know, know. Right?

Dream spoke of closing his YouTube channel and sticking to Patreon in the past

That way only the “real” know

We wouldnt have any problems then

We all know what’s up here, we have a large enough family as it is


I dont understand

if u take down fields because people are using them, then it makes them think that the field is acutally working.

sorry am just being salty

am I?
you really think so?


I gather you dont like it.

Then dont buy it.

I am glad to put it.
It seems you all like to take this turn the other cheek to mean face your ass in the air as well and offer them protection.
But when you attempt to pay back in kind, then I am the wrong one yeh?
Sure no problem.

He agrees with your sentiment.

You arent the messenger?, whose message are you delivering?
Not your own?
Are you not presenting your own opinion?

It is indeed you and you alone responsible for your actions.

Like wtf? I cant protect my own stuff and design it how i wish?
are you serious?
Was sammy selling shares here or something?


Shall we liken reputational damage to a snowball or dominoes? It won’t get smaller.

Please do bro.


I suppose,

If one robs from some ones mother

Nothing should happen to them, with their logic, right?

This is not how things work

There should be repercussions.
Fk em


It’s my opinion and of course you may do as you wish. I am a very strong advocate for Sapien Medicine and often put the YouTube videos in my newsletters. I’m just concerned about the potential for the reputational damage that could be done. I made that pretty clear in my PMs to you and Sammy.

Don’t all protected fields have this? I’m just curious this is the first time I’ve heard “the Pinocchio effect”

i genuinely dont understand why ur laughing at me.

I dont get it tho, but itsnt that curseing somone, placing a bad affect on them everytime they lie?

Well, this is gonna be a fun conversation, lol.

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