Soul Restoration and Three Treasures

My setup for a week

Ego Dissolution
Subcousciouness limited
Energy Blockage Remover


1x Jing
1x Soul Core Restoration
1x Jing

Loop for 3x

To finish I loop 2x Transmutation, the plan after a week is to introduce the Heart restoration and Chi to the stack same setup as above etc


Looking well put.

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How’d this setup go?
Still sticking with it?


I thought I was ready for the second week with the Heart Restoration but was wrong, the Jing and Core restoration hit me hard for the first few days, was getting exhausted all the time but in a way I felt different, lighter and clearer, sexual energy was off the clock Transmutation audio came to rescue and was a life saver, somehow I add physical vibrations in the tailbone due to root chakra activity were noticeable too, I did the whole week but it was insanely too much going on and pretty much the audio description is spot on.

When I moved to the Heart Restoration it was too strong so I had to rethink my stack and at the moment the restoration playlist is on hold as I don’t want it to mix with the Vibration Series, I would stick with one or two loops max


I know this has been a while, but are there parts in the pdf that you disagree with?


Just skimmed through this one a few minutes ago and realized, that I need to re-read large parts of it. These synchronicity lately …


Meh, I’m sure there are.
What in particular is problematic for you?


When the pdf says “soul” , is it a reference to the astral self…?

If yes no problems.

I thought the actual soul is the “me” thats playing a game completely unaffected.

Dont think that “me” has to worry about the reincarnation cycle because it chooses where and when, right?

Neither should “not enough chi, fuk, cant reincarnate!”


Why do people confuse the astral self with pure soul consciousness so often, I wonder.


You’re a human being with individualized consciousness.
You have more than enough ch’i to reincarnate…as a human.

Keep re-reading it until you understand what he means by it.
He explains his definitions of “soul” quite specifically
That’s exactly what he would tell you.

Side note. - Working with “daniel” is where I conclusively discovered my “intuitive guesstimations” were often correct “scientifically”

I would often say something like “It sounds like 80% of blah blah does blah blah”
He would then, say, “Actually it’s 82.5%” and then go to show scientifically why it was 82.5% and not 80%.
I would roll my eyes and say “same thing” but I knew he was right.

For “forum conversations”, my 80% was fine for a general discussion, but “daniel” was the actual scientist that worked on the Looking Glass chair.
Precision was absolutely of the utmost importance otherwise people’s lives and souls could be lost/trapped somewhere in the Universe.

Why am I telling you this? :man_shrugging:


Yeah…I think “soul” is the wrong word here.

Okay so we have;

Stream of consciousness from the source;

“Soul/higher self” is part of that stream.

“Soul/higher self” decides it wants a human experience, for further growth and learning.

But the human experience is just one of many.

By individual human consciousness, I am assuming you mean ego?

But heres what I cant wrap my head around,

How the fk do beliefs and traumas from past lives carry over then?

Unless you mean theres ANOTHER individual mini-soul that forms , thats also linked to the soul/higher self thats linked with source stream of consciousness, but its lost in these realms and the point is to re-connect with source stream?


From another thread:

I think @_OM is referring to a specific thing with ‘individualized consciousness’. I’m keen to read his description if he would like to explain the concept.

Edit: Apropos of this, I think the ‘daniel’ paper below may be of interest.


Bowing to the pdf

Excuse my ignorance but what about those who come to tickle your feet? Since “my” cat loves to do that as well, I sometimes suspected him but no, it was definitely not him in most cases (someone else on the forum has recently mentioned a similar phenomenon. I forgot who).

Even though my primal anthropo side is tempted to interpret it like “hohoho these pals are jokesters” (somewhat like the possible reactions shown to the Alpha Centauri creature mentioned in the text) and get annoyed because of a loss of focus (I always end up laughing like a drain), can I assume that this has rather to do with the energetic centers linked to the feet getting stimulated? I may be dead wrong or missing something but…


Do you mean the device from project looking glass that could see potential futures? how did you get to know someone like that bro?

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So think wild animals as having a “group consciousness” ie a pack of wolves has a “wolf consciousness” with all the “rules” of that consciousness applying. Same for other animals/plants.

Individualized consciousness would be a sense of ‘individual’ separate from the group.
You can see this in your pets…most of them.
Give them a “name”(and all that entails) and all of sudden they start developing a sense of individuality outside of “I’m a dog”-ness.

Same with cats as pets. Cats are easier to see, as well, because if they are let loose and become “feral cats”, you can see a group of feral cats and the loss of “individualized consciousness” after a while.

Look deeper and you will see that every human goes through this just from “growing up”… and many get “re-stuck”/de-evolve back into “human group consciousness”
some never grow past “individualized consciousness”

So yes, the Ego does serve a very important evolutionary role… by creating the sense of “separateness” to feel like an “individual” needed to grow past collective group consciousness…
But it’s an evolutionary tool, no more. - that needs to be grown past again and seen AS a tool. Not one’s entire beingness and sense of self.


Thanks for another piece of nugget.


My pleasure :slight_smile:


I was actually gonna request a “disconnect from the collective” field.

Any ideas…?

Would give us some fresh air from the collective junk no?

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Ask him and see if it can be done.
Just FYI, that’s that high level, enlightened being, "non-interference’, non-identification thingy I was talking about in our first convos.

Maybe there’s something for “less evolved” that can do the similar.

Still not gonna be the “solution” you’re looking for. You gotta put in the work for that.


Is this even possible? to disconnect from the earth / Gaia grid? There are methods out there that claim to do this, however observation of some of these people over time, they always “come back”. Which kinda says to me they never really left.

It’s the burden so to speak of having a human body… it’s pretty much like dying, but I’m starting to see that’s the point :wink:


Cause they haven’t put in the work. :smirk:
Shortcuts are just that. They make the way shorter.

They aren’t going to do the actually “walking the path” and “learning the big monumental things that transcending the ego” entails that are necessary for continued evolution beyond ‘humanity’/Earth/Gaia.

The Higher Self is just gonna facepalm and send one “back” until one properly graduates “gaia”-level grade without one cheating on the final exam.