Soul Restoration (Heart Storage Center)

Yikes. Give your body a break of 2 days or so and listen to grounding several times in that break


Always start with the Core center.


Yes, and better to play the audio only once at first or increase listening gradually to what you can handle, if that is happening.



Hey all so I have a question about this field, or the soul restoration fields in general. It says in the description that this works by sealing those leakages and external attachments that try to remove your energy. It’s just, and I understand how Blueprint of Life can do this job… But I understand that something within us attracts the type of people or situations that you form negative energetic chords or ties to, where your energy is being drained.
So how exactly does this field work, I mean by strengthening the connection to the original source of energy as it says in the description, and thus God/Source/Creation is healing the wound that, in a way, is the reason for the attachment or negative energetic chord formed?

Sorry if it’s a bit confusing, I’m not really sure how else to ask it.


I’ll attempt to answer based on my perspective. The restoration fields build sovereignty, by restoring the connection to vital energy and plugging holes. Over time the need to form toxic attachments lessens dramatically, preserving the connection and limiting damage to the container becomes a much stronger impulse. Even if you make mistakes, play out patterns and live in a way that’s damaging to the energy centre, it is limited, contained and restored much faster with SR fields.


Oh yes I understand what you’re saying. Thank you for sharing @abro I appreciate it :raised_hands:t2:


Does it heal heart chakra as well?


How many times shall I listen to this?

As much or little as you like, with a caveat. It should be balanced with soul core around 1:1 if possible, or at least play it a few times if you plan to do extended loops with heart storage


Got this a few months ago along with core and forehead restoration but haven’t been using it that much due to all the new releases I’ve been focusing on. I also got blueprint of life a few days ago and have been playing it 3 times a day but it’s been making me feel so drained and got nasty detoxes (also felt depressed/low mood) so I tried every audio I could think of to restore my energy & motivation but nothing was working but this one completely restored my energy & uplifted me finally feel like my normal self again. Anyone that has blueprint of life should pair with this one can’t believe I have been sleeping on this.


Hi , so you paired this one alone ( Heart storage) after blueprint right ? Or did you stack the other 2 as well ( soul core and Forehead/eyebrow restoration) ? Cause I’ve been mitigating fatigue for a long time as well , used Ojas ,Ojas marrowed , negentropic Jing and many others, but its’s just not making the cut in terms of energy levels , so would really appreciate your insights for this , thanks man :blush:


Yeah I started out just looping the heart one for a few hours cause core and forehead weren’t doing much for me for energy neither were the negen jing/chi/shen but after adding vibration of divine love it fixed my fatigue/depression. I also want to point out that while listening to blueprint of life (meditating to it) I noticed things within myself coming to the surface ex.) self hate & unconsciously pushing people away from me so I wouldn’t get hurt due to early childhood of absent parents and being left at strangers houses frequently cause my mom worked a lot and my dad wasn’t around but I didn’t realize it was affecting the core of myself this much cause I have done a lot of inner work clearing traumas and shadow work but I guess I still had baggage I hadn’t addressed but this might be specific to me.


Previously I made a post boasting about Magnetic Heart Coherence which allowed me to enjoy my favorite music without a reminder to a past relationship that no longer served me.

To be honest, I am disappointed with myself for holding out so long on this one for other purchases. I can not put in words how much emotional buildup has been coming out of this one. The first listen I was on the verge of sudden somber tears “I thought I was supposed to be getting healed!”

Yeah well, I was, and still am. Not only the relationship, but I’ve always struggled with giving too much to others in the past and feeling bad if the outcome wasn’t what I expected. Not the best way to “spread unconditional love” - what I believed I was doing, really a selfish motivated love banking on some karmic return from the universe every time for my actions.

I had a dream last night with a missed, warm-hearted elementary school friend. In the dream we were sitting at our little class tables, she looked me dead in the eyes, told me “You’re very kind” and then I immediately felt my eyes burn up with tears. I got up from my desk and ran to the bathroom trying to not look at anyone while tears were welling up in my eyes.

I wish I could give everyone here a more concrete answer and what this field has been doing. I cannot give you a fantastic testimony to how my life has drastically improved. But I can tell you that a serious part of my being has and still is currently being healed, to the dismay of my impatient-at-times self, with much work left to do. I hope people will not overlook this field as its value cannot be given a monetary price.



The Heart is the primary organ related to the Middle Dantian . The secondary organ of the Middle Dantian is the Lungs. In Medical Chi Kung, the thymus gland is also important to the Middle Dantian.

In children, the thymus gland is quite large. As the child matures into adulthood, the thymus gland shrinks in size. Until recently, Western biologists thought that the thymus gland became vestigial and inactive in adults. Beginning in the 1980’s, however, with the onset of the AIDS epidemic and the increase in cancer cases, intensive new research was launched into the immune system. As a result, scientists discovered that the thymus gland plays a major role in maturing the white blood cells to become immunocompetent; thus thymus function continues throughout one’s life.

The Middle Dantian collects Chi and represents the body’s reservoir for mental and emotional vibrations and energy. The energy of Man that is transformed in the Middle Dantian has a fluid quality, like water.

A refining process also takes place in the Middle Dantian, transforming the fluid energy into more steam-like energy which is then transferred to the Upper Dantian.

The Middle Dantian transforms Chi into Shen by bringing the transformed Chi into the Heart Fire. This alchemical process is commonly called “changing Chi into Shen” and refers to kinesthetic energy transforming into spiritual consciousness.

The Middle Dantian is connected to the second level of Wei Qi, circulating from two inches around the body to roughly one feet outside the body. As the Middle Dantian fills with Chi, the colors of the student’s middle field of Wei Qi change, becoming even more pronounced. The reason for this change is that the Middle Dantian is connected to the Five Agents, which in turn govern the five Yin organs and organ emotions. As the students begin to experience various stresses and emotional releases, their aura (resonating from the internal organ, into the second energetic field) changes its colors.


The Heart is related to the Fire element. The Heart derives its Yang Fire from Kidney Yang. Modern research in Chinese medicine equates the function of the adrenal glands to the traditional function of Kidney Yang. A parallel can be observed in Western physiology, in which the adrenal glands help to regulate the pace of the heart. To keep the Heart Fire in balance, the Heart also needs Yin. Heart Yin is derived from Kidney Yin (Jing is one aspect of Kidney Yin).

In traditional Chinese physiology, the Heart is said to govern the Blood. Gu Qi energy distilled from the consumption and transformation of food and drink) is a form of postnatal Jing, transformed by the Spleen and Stomach. Blood is composed of Ying (Nutritive) Chi [energy derived from food], Jing, and Fluids. The Kidneys also send prenatal Kidney Jing to the Heart to make Blood. Therefore, Jing particularly postnatal Jing, is vital to the Heart’s function of governing Blood.


Similar to the Lower Dantian, the Middle Dantian is also considered to be a Sea of Chi. The Chi of the Middle Dantian is called Zong Qi. Zong Qi is translated as Ancestral Chi, Gathering Chi or Essential Chi. In English translation, it is sometimes confused with and mistranslated as the Original Chi (Yuan Qi), yet they are not the same. The Zong Qi is a form of Postnatal Chi, whereas the Yuan Qi is housed in the Lower Dantian and is a form of Prenatal Chi. Zong Qi and the Yuan Qi assist each other to maintain the healthy function of the Heart and Lungs.

The Zong Qi nourishes both the Heart and Lungs, controls the speech and the strength of the voice, and interacts with the Kidneys to aid in respiration. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Kidneys assist the Lungs in grasping, holding, and stabilizing the breath during inhalation.

Chi and Blood are closely related. In Chinese medicine, it is often said, “Chi is the commander of Blood; Blood is the mother of Chi.” Chi gives the Heart and Blood Vessels the strength to circulate Blood, and Chi gives life to the Blood itself. Blood, on the other hand, houses the Chi and carries it to all the cells in the body. When one loses Blood, one also loses Chi. Therefore, Chi and Blood are considered to be inseparable.

Chi is also inseparable from the mind and spirit. According to the teachings of ancient Tibetan Chi Kung masters, the channels are (metaphorically speaking) the roads, the Chi is the horse, and the mind is the rider. Through the process of refining the Chi, the mind and spirit are refined and purified. The Middle Dantian is the main focal point for the refinement of Chi into spirit.

In ancient China, the Middle Dantian was considered the primary location for women to focus on during meditation (the men were to focus on their Lower Dantian). Ancient Daoist believed that it was harmful for a woman to focus on her Lower Dantian for extended periods of time, especially during menses. In The Treatise of Spiritual Alchemy for Women, the Lower Dantian was considered to be an area for the woman to focus on only in the beginning stages of her practice. After completing the fusion of the Microcosmic and Macrocosmic Orbit meditations, a woman would then focus her attention on the Middle Dantian, located at center of her sternum. As the collected energy in her Middle Dantian overflows, it moves into her breasts, causing her nipples to become erect, and opening “one hundred energy channels within her body.”


Classically, the Chinese locate the mind in the Heart. In Chinese, the word for “mind” (Xin) is also the Chinese word for Heart. In Medical Chi Kung, a distinction is made between the acquired mind (Ren Xin) and the original mind (Yuan Xin).

The Middle Dantian is said to house the Shen, and to control all of the functions of Shen that are attributed to the Yin organs. Thus, the Heart is often referred to as the “Heavenly Emperor.”

Throughout the world, people relate the Heart to emotions and feelings. Emotions and feelings are an important aspect of the spirit. All emotions have an effect on the Shen.

The human mind easily falls under the influence of the Po (the Seven Corporeal Souls) that are concerned with survival. When the Po dominate the Heart, their over exaggerated self-concern gives rise to a chronic state of fear, sadness, worry, anger, and defensive arrogance. These negative emotions are sometimes called “the five thieves” because even though negative emotions are necessary aspects of life, chronic states of negative emotions drain the Chi.

The Middle Dantian is the residence of the Middle Hun named Shang Ling or “Pleasant Soul.” Shang Ling is situated in the Heart and is considered a soul that is concerned with the wellbeing of others. It is associated with the Five Agents and produces our desire to be involved in social activities and responsibilities.

The redeeming virtue of the Heart is a sense of propriety and discriminating awareness. The Hun (the Three Ethereal Souls) control the smooth flow of Chi throughout the body and are nourished by the Five Virtues of kindness, order, trust, integrity, and wisdom. These Five Virtues give peace and clarity to the Heart and allow the higher qualities of the Yuan Shen to overrule the Po.

An important relationship between the Middle Dantian and Shen is found in the Heart’s role of governing the Blood. The ancient classics state that the Shen also resides in the Blood and pervades the body through Blood circulation. This relationship between Blood and Shen is one reason why anemic patients are often restless and suffer from insomnia. Many forms of spiritual unrest can be treated through nourishing the Heart Blood.

According to Dr. Candace Pert’s information on neurotransmitters (stated in Psychoneuro Immunology), the brain and white blood cells both contain the same neurotransmitters and biochemical constituents that are prerequisites for the existence of consciousness awareness. The same neurotransmitters and biochemical constituents that are linked to consciousness are synthesized and created by the white blood cells. This correspondence indicates that not only do the brain and abdomen have their own consciousness and nervous systems, but the Blood does as well. This further implies that consciousness is possible anywhere in the body, substantiating the ancient Chinese understanding that consciousness is pervasive throughout the body via the Shen, which resides in the Blood.


The Middle Dantian is also considered the “house” of emotional (empathic) feeling, communication, and awareness. Emotional communication is experienced as empathy within the Heart. This empathy is the means by which the Chi Kung doctor will most frequently become aware of the emotional components of the patient’s energetic blocks and imbalances.

Empathic communication is felt as an emotion and originates in the Heart and Middle Dantian area. When Chi Kung doctors focus on the Middle Dantian area, a line of communication is created with their higher self. We are all born with this ability, but as we grow older we tend to override this type of emotional communication with an exaggerated dependence on the logical mind. Through shock, disappointment, denial, and lack of use, impressions slowly diminish, eventually causing us to lose this natural empathic ability of communication. We generally disconnect from this higher perception as a response to the negative and mixed messages received from our parents and from society. The way to reconnect with the intuitive self is to look inward and become one with the true self that is connected to the divine.


I have a doubt about this field, when it says that it serves to eliminate parasitic connections, does it refer to the connections that people and entities make about you? I say this because I am a person sensitive to energy, and from what I have been able to experience with this audio, there are certain people who, for some reason, feel some kind of strong emotion about you, whether it be love, hate, etc., even if that person has never seen you before, sometimes I feel like a kind of pressure in my chest and I start to feel emotions of that particular person, I say this because recently, a girl that I had never seen in my life, when I met her for the first time, I could feel a kind of hook in my chest, and right after that, I started to feel a strong feeling in my chest, I started to feel a strong emotion about that person, I started to feel a strong feeling of love that was not mine, and indeed, that feeling was not mine, because after that that girl really fell in love with me, the problem was that I did not feel anything for her, and because of that things got much worse, because I started to feel feelings that were hers more and more intense, thank god that with this field I was able to eliminate all connection with this girl, but it took me a long time to completely remove all kind of connection, after that, this girl met another person and little by little all that intensity of emotions coming from her, became more and more intense and I started to feel more and more intense.


Sounds very intense…might want to consider etheric or smart cord cutter to eliminate negative cords.

While the girl may have immense love for you, it’s something you personally don’t want. @HanumanTrust


the etheric cutters are the only thing that works in my case, the problem is that when someone has strong feelings towards me they hook me in such a way that I can feel even their emotions, this happens to me above all with women, and until the level of emotion that they feel towards me does not diminish, I have to be continuously listening to these fields so that all the connection that they make with me is cut, the only thing that has worked for me has been these fields of restoration of the soul, because with the normal etheric cable cutter I could not remove the connections, I have tried all kinds of shields to avoid these connections but nothing works, when this happens to me the only thing that works for me is this field to remove the connections of the heart and wait for the person in question to decrease the level of emotion that they have over me, this that I say seems like science fiction but it is not at all, it is not pleasant what is happening to me, I hope someone knows what is happening in my case and can help me to stop this.


When you cut a cord from someone they definitely notice, whether or not they’re consciously aware. I’ve seen examples of this in the etheric cord cutter comments section, where people cut cords, and then suddenly someone toxic calls them in an attempt to reconnect that cord. I believe you’re going through the same thing, just with a person who loves you.


Look. I experienced getting phone calls from a certain individual when I was cutting cords. It’s so weird how they notice it. This just shows that energy is no joke. If you are looking to get another field go for smart cord cutter since it puts a decoy of you.

Like what I mean by that is that while you know you are cutting the cord with them, they won’t realize that you are cutting it with them. In fact they will still think there is a cord when in reality it’s a decoy of you.


I personally don’t have this field as I’m going to get the energy awakening course and VoDL next.

So yeah. Smart cord cutter seems underrated and I think most of us should get it at one point including myself.


The million dollar question is how do I make sure that nothing and no one can connect to me through these connections? I understand that although I don’t like it, as long as we are in this physical plane we will not be able to be exempt from these connections that people make on us, the problem is that if this happens to someone who is more sensitive to the energy as is my case, they can have many problems, because in my case I am aware of it, but if what happens to me happens to someone else who has no idea, they can experience a real hell, I hope there is a way to stop these connections from happening, but the only thing I have been able to achieve so far is to cut the connections, but I have not been able to prevent them from happening and that makes me very frustrated.