Soul Restoration I (Core)

I thought this was more designed to stop other people from stealing your energy, but this makes perfect sense .you self can be your own worst enemy ,putting you down , stealing /destroying your own energy .

If this might stop self destruction this would be awesome!:slight_smile:


I believe the self-attacks stem from the attacks others have inflicted. We were taught how to treat ourselves. Attacking ourselves is a way to keep ourselves as servants to our original attackers. Succeed too much and how will you be able to be kept as a servant?


Yes! It is caused by the people that conditioned us to be like that. Yet I dont think blaming anybody helps, because then you would do exactly what this audio doesnt want to do : give your power over your self to somebody else .
So we are in the situation we are in ,and we have to deal with it , no matter the cause


I had a confrontation with a friend of mine. He is 17 and he is really sensitive, he is really possesive of me because im his only friend, He is an energetic vampire, I do love him as a friend the only problem is his possesiveness, its really toxic. And the problem is im not assertive im too passive. I always say yes, i9donā€™t like conflict or confrontation. So today i tried to tell him that he is too possesive of me and that i canā€™t hang out with him everyday because i have to study and the thing is i felt so bad, i had anxiety about what his answer will be like, I was like this until i listend to this audio by sapien, after like 2 hours i felt like i didnā€™t do anything wrong and that if he gets angry its not my fault, because i didnā€™t even blame him, all the time i blame myself, as i told you i am too passive. But when i started listening to the audio i had intrusive thoughts, and negative ones, after some time I was like why do i care if i loose him as a friend? yes he is a good person but he is making me feel bad about myself and whenever i hang with him, i feel drained. So i donā€™t know if that was a realization, I still feel bad lol, but now at least i am not thinking about it too much. Guys I do have a question Though. Will you recommend me an audio to be more assertiveā€™? Being too passive is bringing me down. I feel like i will never be successful being as passive as i am, Thanks


The following audios may help:

  • Extreme Self Confidence
  • Become Whole
  • Self Love and Acceptance

Thank you, I appreciate it


I definitely overdid it a bit with listening. Thereā€™s pressure in my crown from the expansion of energy pathways so rapidly. Currently grounding myself which is helping.

I have energy like I just had 3 cups of strong coffee back to back and Iā€™m talking up a storm.


Sounds like an awesome pre workout!


After listening to Soul/Core Energy with Ego Dissolution, after finding my energy and losing societally imposed goals and motivations, I am looking to get in touch with my real self and with my true desires. Iā€™m using Automated Grounding with Soul/Core Energy Restoration. Does anyone have any recommendations for what might help me with what I am trying to do now? Or do you think Automated Grounding is the best way to strengthen our connection with who we truly are and with what we truly desire?


It looks like youā€™re talking about Higher selfā€¦?


Thank you. I will try that.

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Oh no! Oh no! You guys are tempting me so badā€¦oh noā€¦Oh manā€¦ :smile:


@Captain_Nemo, why would you do this? :cry:

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Lol. Iā€™m sorry man. I get it though.


Lolā€¦bro, I am reading your experiences and itā€™s taking all the power in my body and mind to not get itā€¦I have to conserve, but manā€¦ :sweat_smile:


Things like Grounding and Higher Self are going to make a lot more sense as to why you would want them. After you listen to this. Maybe that can hold you off. You can prep yourself for it. Get your reps in.


I have just listened to the Higher Self 3 times in a roll 20 minutes agoā€¦And the answer is I want to ascend until I die. And I just want to keep growing and growingā€¦Lolā€¦I will listen to the Grounding nowā€¦


Dude. These 3 are working sooo well together. Itā€™s nuts. Itā€™s good.

You have your energy. The parts of yourself are connected. You are connected to the world. If you ever wanted to feel power this is it.


Damnā€¦You know what, I will hold off. Thanks bro. I have been manifesting things left and right. I will just be patient. I am extremely disciplined with everything else, so why canā€™t I be disciplined with morphic fieldsā€¦lolā€¦.thanks bro. I love reading all your experiences though. Awesome. :grinning:


becauseā€¦ why not.
just for thatā€¦ I shall make something else.