SOVSUB: Get Free Subliminals by testing unreleased subliminals - Testing Round #3

This one will be for men only, but we got a new lucid dreaming test round coming up, where everyone can participate. If you want to participate in this round, testing The Natural, watch the video or read the text in the description.


It has been a few weeks since the tests started. Our first tester was Raiblacc.
Raiblacc described himself at the beginning as “a shy guy and pretty much always had a little social anxiety but it only got worse”. Asked to rate his level of approach anxiety,
he answered “It’s definitely a 10”

Here are his experiences so far:

Day 2

Had this girl from O’Reillys deliver a part today and usually I feel shaky around women but I felt very Masculine and not shaky at all. I even thought about asking for her number but I talked myself out of it as usual.

But the fact that I wasn’t shaky is very impressive for me.

Day 3

There was this super hot chick at the gym this morning and it was literally just us in the gym and I thought about approaching her but I didn’t. Also I didn’t get the shakes nor was i nervous at all. She was even checking me out from the mirrors.

I’m definitely seeing some fast improvements with this can’t wait for the future.

Day 6

I didn’t listen today had to much on my mind but I had to go out of town to pick something up and my bro told me about this bikini coffee joint so I decided to stop by and check it out. Man when I say the girl that was working there was Sexy af I am not over exaggerating in the slightest bit bro! But yeah usually hot workers I’ll kind’ve just hit em with the casual hey and then just awkward silence the rest of the time but today I was actually making convo with her and cracked some awkward corny jokes. I can tell all my timing is off and a lot of my convos are awkward but it’s still a huge deal that I even have the balls to talk to chicks.

I’ve noticed I’m starting to feel like a wuss if I don’t approach a girl I like which is good that just means I’m in the process of approaching women being natural for me no pun intended haha

If you want to read his journal for yourself, you can do so here: (Beta Test) The Natural - Raiblacc - Journals - Sovereign Subliminals Community

These results are very interesting and promising. After seeing this, we are very positive that we are going in the right direction in building a subliminal that can help any man let go of his approach anxiety once and for all, no matter how severe, and experience the dating life he always dreamed of.
Currently, there are 2 slots for testers left, with Cosmo starting his own journey today.

More updates will follow

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Bro can you teach me how to make my own subliminals ?

Hi, James1!
group welcome 7

Thank you😀!

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I would say don’t get hung up in the technicality of it, don’t worry so much about the audio design and focus more on your understanding of how the mind works.
Experiment a lot, but be careful. Observe your results, take notes and build on your experiences with what works and what works not. All you need is a text to speech program or your microphone, a piece of paper and an audio program like Audacity, which you can get all for free. I feel like many people worry so much and what a definite sort of guide to it, when it is mostly just figuring things out by trying them out