Spirethion Max (Frontier Series)

such stillness with this and emotional dampener

i find myself deeply immersed while roleplaying as a travelling red-guard in skyrim


I wonder how long that’ll take for that to happen perhaps months or years? Very interesting take :thinking:

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I think less

It’s not permanent

@Zen , I bet the field upgraded your experience, but really you don’t need any fields to enjoy that garden! it looks gorgeous!

Anyway, here’s my ~3 days use feedback:

Yep, I’m happier overall. It sure comes with responsibility because it seems that I don’t notice getting tired as much as I used to. Like I get tired physically, but my mode isn’t really aware of it. lol.

Also I became more aware of what type of activities release dopamine/serotonin or whatever.
For example, my mood goes up when I’m walking around, like a little high, so obviously some chemicals/hormones get activated when we walk, but I wasn’t able to “notice” them previously due to desensitized receptors.

I’ll go slow with this, focus on my other rejuvenation stuff, and perhaps play this only 3 days a week or something like that.


The sensitivity is permanent but the density of receptor not, so the body will find a balance. Still you could exaggerate and have a period where you will feel high.


In psychotic like disorders there is excessive production of neurotransmitters.so if we take description as granted it can confer permanent insanity…
I just want to confirm.

Psychotic disorders are more complicated than that. it will likely help with a lot of the symptoms of those disorders but likely will not solve it completely

no no
That is a leap too far

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Final Risk Estimation:

Chances of getting psychotic again with 90% mutant receptors: approximately 70-80%.

Dopamine system overactivation (highest risk factor): 60-80%

Serotonin system overload: 30-50%

Opioid system emotional imbalance: 40-60%

Cognitive overload: 50-70%

This high-risk percentage stems from the inability of the brain’s receptors to downregulate, leading to a continuous, intense stimulation of pathways that are directly involved in psychotic states.
Got it from chat gpt.
I am not in any regard fire controversy.i want to buy it but i suffered psychotic attack once.

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But this one only increases the density of receptors

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That brain sensitivity is created through intersubjective bonds. It is limited to social relationships

Can you explain what you mean here to someone who is unfamiliar with intersubjective bonds and its relationship with neurology

I just want to add here that it’s highly unlikely Dream and Philip would greenlight a field if it caused such problems.

The design process is meticulous, many considerations are made including whether a release is appropriate for public consumption.

If it were unsafe, Dream would know and it would have never made it on the Gumroad in the first place. The efficacy here is second to none.

Also a decent number of people have purchased and been using a while now without any issues as far as I’m aware.


with exception of congenital issues like down syndrome, most mental illnesses are socially constructed.

created through bonding with others. then it reflects on the brain.

little kids have a sharp intuition, they reject adults that treat them like objects for their satisfaction, like stereotypical old ladies that try to grab their cheeks. those ladies, they’re unconsciously satisfying themselves in an egotistical manner by treating the kid as an object.

when a baby and infant is treated like an object of egotistical satisfaction from their parents/one of their parents/peer group in a consistent basis, this creates mental illness.

the kid learns that there’s no limit between themselves and others, therefore reality doesn’t have that limit too. because reality is created through bonding with others.

without bond there’s no reality. only stuff that shows up and that never gets to articulate itself to other stuff to create some sort of meaning or common sense.

sometimes this is happening psychically, an adult may egotistically enjoy in an autistic manner a kid just by looking at him.

most people do this with babies. and babies hate it.

because many adults are narcissists and take people they consider inferior as preys for their own satisfaction.


lol. that aligns with how I perceived this field too.
It can be great, but also a little scary. Now we have to be conscious of our actions more than before because the body’s alarms are kinda “suppressed”…

I noticed something like that too! I didn’t have such a conversation yet, and it’s been only ~3 days for me, but I sure felt more open and easygoing and thought “huh, this could also be a social chat booster”.

Overall, this sure could be tagged as an “get high” field. one that you can make long lasting / semi-permanent.

I thought of the movie Limitless and how Eddie makes it “permanent” at the end of the movie.

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Lol literally I didn’t even know where the blood came from, had to actively search the source and even looked at the ceilling, maybe it was the blood of a ghost, it was really more logical before seeing it was from me. :joy:

Even today, by doing carpooling, I met a woman and we talked for maybe 3 hours. Usually I would talk like someone gave me a script and bounce only at key point when it’s needed for a “smooth” conversation while not feeling engaged.

Like the other girl from other post, we bonded instantly, she opened uo about her life, we realized we had a lot in common about values and experiences in life despite the age gap and we even talked about topics we actually talk on this forum, it really caught me off guard, it was as if I was talking to someone on the forum.


I have been combining this with ‘emotional dampner’ and it’s kind of early to confirm, however I experienced tapering of the cockiness


Apparently this field is a must have, I will get it in the future after saving up


This is the best field dream has ever created

I have suffered from depression and anxiety since I was a child and I literally don’t know what it’s like to truly be happy atleast I can’t remember it

Now I’m just feeling peaceful like nothing can faze me and things will get better :handshake::muscle: i feel so much more motivated to change things. Other fields have been extremely helpful but nothing has been as life changing as this. It’s fixed my biggest problem ever

Victim mindset is gone and it’s only growth from here

Thanks dream, doc and everyone!!!