Spiritual Bypassing

I don’t think this has been mentioned on the forum yet, (to my knowledge, if this conversation is happening I am unaware of it), which I am surprised by considering this is a forum dedicated to energy work. Actually, I suppose it’s not that crazy when you take into account that people resist feeling bad/unpleasant and think something is wrong if they do, and that they need to immediately fix it.
For the record, I speak as someone who is still learning everyday, I don’t by any means know everything, but the things I am writing about here I speak about from my direct experience and they can be verified and tested easily by anyone reading this. Hopefully this will be useful information for most.

If everyone is so seriously dedicated to the alchemy of ones ego, they should know about spiritual bypassing. That is essentially when you use a belief, or mentality to avoid the confrontation of something. You are in a state of resistance and avoidance, which actually prevents you from resolving the original perceived “issue” and the universe will magnify it by default.

If you have trauma, but refuse to ever look at the original wound because you believe focusing on anything negative is bad - that’s spiritual bypassing. And there’s thousands of examples of this, I don’t need to list them all.
You can always combine fields with your natural spiritual practice of awareness, but using them exclusively to avoid yourself might end up creating more you are unaware of about yourself than otherwise. (Although I suspect most on here combine both practices anyway, thankfully).

Also, getting “rid” of your ego as if it’s some kind of parasite, is a very damaging concept in my opinion, because it is just what you are identified with, your sense of self at the moment. It can be anything from being “sexy” to being “suicidal”. The boundary between yourself and other. Then to complicate things your ego is compartmentalized, into smaller egos. Like the ego of an organ. The ego of a cell. The ego of a personality fragment you have, the ego of one of your parents that you adopted in your childhood. If you were one unified being, there would be no inner conflicts, no incongruency, no disharmony, no dis-ease.

The alchemy of the ego, includes it’s refinement and unification, ideally, without rejecting yourself in the process.

Goodluck to everyone on your journey of awareness and spirituality, hopefully each day is only better for you, hopefully someone found this to be helpful, and enlightening.


It’s not about getting rid of the ego, more about transcending it :slight_smile:


Yes i think the terms should generally be changed to refine.
or taming of the ego.
The drive most people have in forcing the complete break down of ego, is to see behind it a little.
To know that you can exist past it.
The message about ego got repeated and corrupted along the way.
Till it becomes a vile thing.
The ego is you, no doubt.
Or rather your self supporting mental ‘code’ structure that keeps you spinning in the same pattern.


I don’t like the term transcending either.
It’s a complete rejection of yourself. I mean, to each their own. I never claim to be right or know everything, that would be ridiculous. But, I see it like this - we are human. We chose to be, so we wanted to be. Why would I transcend that which I am - when I can integrate things like superpowers, etc. with my humanity? And so on, this is just an example.

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Very much agreed! I am on the same page.


the thing is, ego isn’t what you entirely are, when you transcend you might come to the realization of your true nature, on a metaphysical level at least.

I think when you define a person engaged in spiritual bypassing, they’re also coming from a judgment right?

“Feeling bad is bad. I can only feel good. I can only recognize what I perceive to be good.” Which is arbitrary based on one’s perception.

So where does that leave us? I guess the embracing of duality would be more helpful. You have a trauma, maybe it’s bothering you, but it might bother you more to ignore it. Who knows?

But maybe, if you’re on either end of the spectrum by saying “this thing is terrible, worst, awful, can’t ever get over it, will live within it” or, “can’t look at that, only positive, no, won’t recognize, don’t think of a pink elephant etc”- either way one is making it black and white. And spiritual bypassing seems like it leaves no room for grey any more than the person who wears the trauma like some badge of honor that they’ll never let go of.


I think we may be having a miscommunication. In my understanding, the ego is just what you are identifying with in the present moment.

If you start to identify with the universe at large, or like you said, your “true nature”, that would imply a change in ego, ego death, call it whatever you want - which is totally healthy and normal for a spiritual practice. But I think when it gets iffy is when people think having an identity is bad, that the ego has no point and just needs to be bulldozed and so on.

We are here to be individuals, before anything else. Yes, we are all one on some level - but we are also unique expressions of source/god (in my opinion).

Precisely. The ideal goal is to process and release that which is no longer serving you. I completely agree with you.

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it appears to be like that

I used to think just like this for a long time and decided to stop thinking this way like no more than a week ago lols,

I understand what you mean, I literally use to also say, “why kill whats helping me navigate through earth” but being heavily influenced by our ego is just hell, it’s constant suffering left and right and some minor sufferings we aren’t even aware of that impacts us immensely, plus what I think is the biggest one, fear of death, and how every choice is just for our survival, not physical survival but even change in itself, suffering… (for the ego)

enlightenment has its benefits and drastically improves life, or so I heard😅

Ego = I AM in latin.


Thank you for this important post!!
I totally share every single word you write.

Look under your own skin. Look at those intelligent cells moving arround, renewing themselves without your commands. Your Digestive system who brejks down the food you eat by producing specific enzymes. Who/ what ever created us is an intelligence beyond my understanding. I often say the Anatomy of the human body is my Religion.
Do you think that intelligence makes misstakes ?

If we have an Ego, its there for a reason.
If we can feel a full Spectra of feelings & emotions, they are all,also there for a reason.

Becoming Whole to me is to accept and acknowledge all.

In my eyes, being human , the only way out is thru…
It gives both human & spiritual growth and
An Emotional Intelligence. & a deeper understanding

Emotionell intelligence contains many different skills.

I dont believe one can be highly Spiritual Enlightened without accepting all aspects of human life experiences
I believe
I dont know.

I stick to Authentic ( real)

I see us as Humans with a Mental Body , Emotional Body, Biochemical Body, Spiritual Body , Energy Body…
Then we have culture, religion, gender, sexuality ect…

We all have different " lessons" to learn , why " One size fits all" will never work.

Stay authentic with yourself.
If you have negative thoughts. Allow them to occur…
Look them in the eyes.
We create beliefsystems thru repetative thoughts not by single ones.

What has shaped your selfimage?
Who are the co’ - authors?
If you learn to track down things to its source, you will also know how you cocreated them and how you can create new beliefsystems.
At times life can be as simpel as this.

" when a Flower Doesnt grow, you dont change the flower, you change the environment in which the flower grows".

That happenf to me…
Thru therapy 10 years ago i learned some human behaviour " laws"…
My body was injured due to a surgery. All my friends dissapeared , some from day 1, others little by little…
I took it very personal until my therapist taught me certain things…
That happend to my friend who is from Uganda.
He came to Sweden 30 years ago filled with health & positive energy.
Only to experience rasism by the color of his skin which made him diminidh himself little by little

Who we have around us is SO important.
REAL friends are supportive.
A subculture where you be you and acceped as you.

Share in life.
Do not give
Do not take


This comes from a over giver :wink:

We all can learn from eachother…we all can be teachers & students.

I dont think we will ever neither understand nor know everything in life.
A part of life is mystical. As it should be.

Stay present and deal with what is present.
Life will present itself to you. No need to search.
Try to tune in to that silent voice inside of you.

Good luck to every singel one outhere.know that life is a process
Nothing is static
Be with motion
Dont create problems you dont have.

We all are unique cells in a large body. Of other cells :wink:
Einstein said everything is energy.
For energy to occur we need a plus and a minus.
Electricity is movment between them both.



I share your thoughts.
We are maybe here to express " God" thru our individual unique inprint…
God to me is not religion tho…more a source of creation & creativity ( we are creators all day long)

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I feel the same way.

Yes! Absolutely

You cannot get rid of the ego - only refine it. If you identify with all there is, you have the biggest ego of all. Lol. So it’s expansion yes, which feels like freedom. Do not resist that which you are. The ego is the result of fragmentation, and you are a fragment of the cosmos.

you can actually, but I didnt mean kill kill, i meant dissolve, etc

What is the ego by your definition, and why would you want to dissolve it? I am asking seriously, with intention to understand your perspective.

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What I identify myself as, distinction between self and other,.

this⬆️ mostly