Spirituality Actualized

There are a lot of fields available that help with different elements of spirituality. Some things develop the energy body, some are able to make deities and other beings accessible, some help to facilitate deep meditation.

One thing that I have felt was lacking was the ability to secure significant spiritual goals. There are projects that can draw in money, draw in romantic partners, or manifest a wide range of goals.

But there didnā€™t appear to be too many things that had a strong draw to actualize specific chosen spiritual goals. Whether this would be something like becoming a Celestial Immortal (as in Taoism), achieving Ultimate Libaration/Moksha, achieving Oneness with a chosen deity, ā€”or any other type of spirituality-related goals (whether long-term or short-term in nature).

So the idea, here, is built out of a personal wish to secure success in pursuing Moksha/Celestial Immortality. This would include getting the necessary knowledge to accomplish that task, developing the correct understanding (so that knowledge could be applied), and then having the life circumstances to complete the training (which could include real-world physical parameters as well as making different spiritual connections).

I would guess that most other spiritual goals will be easier to actualize than this one. So, if a framework of fields can be made to accomplish this goal, it should be able to easily apply to other goals.

One feature that I would like to see is a personalized form of Light and Vibrational Guidanceā€”something that aligns with a personā€™s spiritual path. So, if someone wanted to pursue moksha but was unable to complete it in this lifetime, they would have the guidance to transmigrate to a place where they could achieve their goal.

Other elements that Iā€™d like to see blended into the project would be a type of Woven Worlds field to help actualize any number of spiritual goals that a person may have. And also a sort of Teleological Attractor field (a purpose-driven field that draws all surrounding circumstances to actualize the chosen purposeā€”possibly building on ideas from the Cone of Power and The Solidifier).

These are some of the big ideas that Iā€™d have in mind for a project. The Shakti project seems like too much of a niche project to be completed. But this one could apply to anyone and everyone.

Would anybody be interested, should it be public or private?


yes, public would be awesome


Very interested and definitely should be public


Iā€™m interested and believe it should be public as well


Spirituality servitor? Great idea, Im in


Yo, I love the ideas that youā€™re coming up with! :+1: But I have to point out that there are actually a bunch of NFTs that were built specifically for the purposes that youā€™re referring to.
For Servitors there are: Ouroboros (this one is super underrated,) Orion, (these 2 in my eyes are specifically for enlilghtenment, although the ladder can be applied to so many more things) and a host of others that could be of support but mainly to be applied to other areas of life.
For Oneness with chosen deity: Unified God (I think there are more)
For smart fields: Brahmarshi (Basically the highest achievable Spiritual Goal supposedly beyond Moksha with the idea of Solidifier and Woven World, needed knowledge and more) Ascension-Naut, Kundalini Shaktipat (tbh this one is more so in line with your Shakti Marga idea) The Guide of Breath, the inner temple, conquering heaven, there are so many more.
Gumroad: Panchanga Yoga, Light of Savitur, and so many others
I mean I get what you mean, maybe the last few I mentioned is only preparation for enlightenment, but naturally when your system is prepped and your vibrational frequency rise, you are naturally going to attract the necessary circumstances to drop whatever youā€™re holding on to.
I mean, most of the ones mentioned above are private projects and not everyone can get their hands on or appreciate even if they own it (because most of these needs a lot of attention and work, not a button that magically just make you enlightened, these are supports, and a lot of people just donā€™t have the patience or maybe got the shiny object syndrome XD) so it may be a good idea to make a public project, will have to see. But should look more into already created projects to see if some of your ideas are already existing so you can come up with an awesome project with an unique approach :+1: :pray:


None of those were exactly what this one was. They all had a specific goal and usually (in some way) tried to get the NFT to make changes in you, for you.

This isnā€™t quite like that. It begins with the idea that you should do your own work in spirituality. But this will make it easier to get the right resources and conditions to accomplish things for yourself.

Taoist immortal training, for example, would require months-years on retreat during advanced training (most of the time spent with all the senses turned internally and the body completely still). So elements of this project would relate to getting the real-world circumstances (like a good location and enough time be on retreat) to achieve the goal.


Yup, interested!

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Alright :+1:

It looks like this should be a public project and one that will be able to work regardless of the tradition that a person aligns with (or even if they donā€™t align with an existing tradition).

So far, I like the idea of being able to program with field using a sort of combination of things like:

the Cone of Power + The Solidifier

and then having the project use somethings like:
-Woven Worldā€™s field for helping to manifest things into this life (physical and non-physical teachers, knowledge/information, lineage connections, training conditions, etc.).
-Cosmic intercession elements (either for help or to draw in the right type of beings who could provide guidance,blessings, etc.).
-Definitely Light and Vibrational Guidance (to help facilitate personal change and help provide some type of guarantee of progress beyond this lifetime, if a big goal like Moksha, Buddhahood or Celestial immortality couldnā€™t be completed).
-Maybe elements of Zealot of Positive Change (as there is something similar in the Woven World series).
-Perhaps elements of Spiritual Growth states of being.
-Perhaps a Divine Luck field for spiritual development. I knew someone who said that spiritual breakthroughs happen on accident, but a solid practice regimen can make you ā€œaccident proneā€. This would help with intuitively advancing in meditation and daily life.
-Perhaps elements of @kimchisauerkraut bargaining with death project, to help secure time for achieving the goal:

ā€“The ability to harmonize with wealth, health, protection, and specific spiritual development NFTs to maximize itā€™s ability to solidify the goal

Iā€™m hoping that this sort of project could work if somebody were to program it with a specific goal, such as becoming a Taoist Celestial Immortal within this lifetimeā€”but also a general goal (e.g. achieving oneā€™s highest spiritual potential) or something like ā€œgetting to heavenā€, if thatā€™s the goal (though it would still require monitoring personal conduct).

Itā€™s primarily oriented for big, long-term (i.e. lifetime) goals. But it should apply to other goals too. Opening the third eye, oneness with a deity, etc.

My own sense of things would be that it might have a programming function (similar to the solidifier), but it might be a slightly more drawn-out process if Cone of Power elements are involved (e.g. meditating for 5-10 minutes with the NFT with a focus on your goal, before programming it). Then it could either be worn like a talisman until the goal is attained, or set in a secure place.

So, even if it is a public project, should I form a private group to add more ideas? Would anyone like to add extra ideas here?

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Unfortunately the qixingdeng project did not gain any traction, and I did not submitted it to Dream.

How to make a suggestion for a publicly available NFT or audio? I guess itā€™s suitable as a public productā€¦


So far, Iā€™ve just been exploring ideas.

If Qixingdeng should be kept as a separate idea, thatā€™s entirely fine :+1: (I wasnā€™t meaning to swipe an idea or pull you into something you had no interest inā€”I was just thinking that this might be one way to get that project idea created while also meeting the goals of this project).

This project (if made) will likely not be made anytime in the near future, so more ideas, critiques, and so forth are welcomed.

Actually, now that Iā€™ve caught up on the news of the day, the project may not be made at allā€¦ and thatā€™s alright. Dream deserves a break.