Stack list i’m looking forward to

  • Stress Relief (I fell asleep listening to this one🥺)
  • CBD Delta

(When I want that good intuition!!!)

Higher Self Connection
Animal Empathy/Telepathy
Pietersite Energy

Alien Songs of Moldavite And Libyan Desert Glass

(I haven’t tried, so idk how I feel w them)

  • Inner Strength
  • Star + Plasma Flower
  • The Archetype of Parental Love (I honestly… don’t listen to this)

I seek validation so… :clown_face: and I have daddy issues

  • Become Whole
  • Inner Beauty Reflected Outward
  • Attract Love

Armor of Light and Glory (becauseee I feel unsafe at times, idk haven’t really done my research on this one)

I’ll come back if I remember more, kinda scattered

I actually want to lose weight, and be stronger rawr except sometimes idk how to do that, I plan to go to da gym or take up some sports but right now:

  • Cardarine
  • Enhanced Fat Metabolism

Omg I’m literally getting so mad HAHAHA I almost forgot the Cerebrum albummm

I thought you were limiting yourself to free fields? (Because you have some paid fields on your list.)

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true all of those are free except the Plasma flower and i haven’t tried that one yet

:+1: As long as you know. (Armor is a paid field, too.)


also if you meant to ask about Rarible – Create, sell or collect digital items secured with #blockchain armor of light and glory it’s actually free i was kinda surprised but thankful lmao it’s been really helpful

so this one i’m bookmarking, ffs parkinsons audio helped me so muchhh

i feel like i need this when i hang out with people a lot

im sooo happy i think im satisfied with my stack lmfao cant waittt

using + Superhuman Genius + Enhanced Brain Hemisphere Connectivity for intuition

Dont listen more then stated. Can really mess up the brain if listend more then its says in the Desc

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oki thx, i only listened to each for 2-3 times ^_^

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i have to look into it. maybe my environment is toxic or i am just easily overwhelmed, so i need a stack for when i get home from outside lol. i stay inside more than i go out, so its better i get more time for raising vibration and working on myself, i guess

i have so much on this stack i wanna cut down huhu but i guess i need to lurk more on the forum to get an idea. God help me lmao

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listen twice so you dont overwell your self :upside_down_face:

Better safe then sorry

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I thought i had the same thing as you. But really its beacuse i was depressed and that outside was sort of a video game for me where is was just distraction.

Unless you got anythink at home that annoys you like parents or brothers and so on.

So try giveing the depression a listen

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this one is hella accurate. i always think about going outside when i’m inside at home but when i’m outside i still don’t have fun lmao. btw do you mean this? DEPRESSION/Stress/Anxiety Relief ( Energy Programmed Audio) - YouTube

yes. i get easily annoyed by my mom and it affects me a lot

is the depression one enough for this? i have quite a lot in mind lmao but they don’t work that well for me, i wanted to try the Heal Others audio for my mom, she’s got crazy stress lmao. btw sorry if i’m asking for too much, i am just looking for a solution lmao and it seems like i can’t stick to any of my playlists, i always feel like “there’s something better” out there, like “maybe i need to lurk on the page more” HAHHAHAHAA

before, i was using: atmospheric riser, repel negative energy, inner beauty outwards, attract love, armor of light and glory, etheric cord (i was inconsistent w this one lol)

and everytime i went out, idk if it’s my insecurity but i always felt like people hated me. lmaooo but i force myself to change cuz i really want to be my old self, happy and always w friends. maybe it’s because my home life is just fvcked up. so i think i have to fix that first, but it’s been the hardest. i’m pretty sure i already found an audio for me before and then forgot it, lmao, something that makes my mom more bearable i guess. i love her but she pisses me off, and i don’t wanna come off as offensive but i do think she’s an energy vampire. right now she went on a trip so she’s not around me and i’ve been listening to audios and been on this forum and i can tell i feel so much better, but the fear and trauma comes back when i think about her

idk maybe i’m too sensitive, but i do know deep inside my soul i’ve been hurt by her, people tell me i should move out, but thinking about my future makes me even more depressed cuz she’s a curse lmao

everytime i try to talk to her about her rudeness, she just explains to me that she’s “training” me and showing me how the real world out there will treat me. like at this moment i understood this b needs that Trauma Release and Healing, i might sound dumb but still, i’m growing, i believe that kindness is still pretty powerful. no matter how much you’ve been thru, being kind goes a long way i guess. even tho i know i kind of am an aggressive person in real life. but i’m also sensitive, really, it’s confusing. omg i’m doing a whole self reflection/rant here lmao

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ill make this part of the forum mine lol i’ll write my heart out

i really just found out about the bookmark thingy under each topic or each comment (?) omg its so helpful

No the other one Depression the Relief,

will edit this comment to asnwer ur other ? Just bussy right now and seen ur comment thought i would quickly answer it.