Hello guys,
Just like my title says, what fields would you suggest to someone to recover your body and also heal the organs involved?
noted, thank you!
soul restoration if you have it, heavily looped. And a little aura repair
An energy body focus here, very important after a big one
gotcha, thank you!
If possible, renounce the habit (if it’s a habit) of heavy drinking too…
I have a drinking problem too, just that it’s coffee for me - So, I Quit!
No more coffee, at least for a while (it gave me trouble with my heart and blood circulation)!
I recently quit smoking, 90 days and I am going strong, I am trying my best to cut down on my bad habits but I cannot quit all at once, if I do, I will end up failing, so I am taking baby steps to become a better person, I am gonna spam godlike willpower by PU to help me with this journey, thank you so much, hopefully soon I can post here about my alcohol quitting journey, I am not an alcoholic, I always drink in my limits but I also care a lot about my body, so I just wanna create a nice stack which I can use to maintain my organs every now and then.
Awesome! keep going. 90 days is a definite hump, the 6 month one will make life a lot easier. Also well done getting on the piss and not smoking, that’s a really good sign of success
I know right, so many instances where I could have started smoking again but I was very firm with my mindset that I have to stop this anyhow.
I wish The Politics of the body are on Patreon
Your profile picture is everything
Enhanced alcohol processing and Vibrational Riser