Strange Tales: Experiences in Lucid Dreaming with sigils,dog tags, audio fields or subliminals

What kind of experiences or reviews can you share about Lucid Dreaming with sigils, dog tags, audios.

I have been using the sigil a few times but I seem to be astral traveling. I have felt my mind literally “move fast” and go through “space” and although I can’t see clearly because this happens when I am asleep and I already said the activation word, so my eyes are closed but I can feel wind on my eyes and forehead.

It actually feels beautiful. I barely started directing my motion and direction, before I would lose awareness and would wake up when trying to control it. Recently the dreams also begin with me walking through “my house” “invisibly”. Although it feels real like a waking dream I believe it’s not my house but a replica of it. Then I start sinking or “phasing” into my kitchen floor.

Other times I have been “mind traveling” and I wind up in a kaleidoscope place where every geometric shape is mirrored all around. One time I was traveling through the dark cloudy sky like sonic boom speed it felt, and I wound up trying to break through the earth’s gravitational pull and once I did break through then it felt like I was being pushed away by the earth’s invisible force. So I was being propelled into space! Luckily I woke up.

When I dream these dreams I suddenly remember having these or similar dreams when I was a young boy. I remember now sleeping at night and floating outside my body, rising out of my house and flying through the night sky over my neighborhood all while still being connected to my sleeping body by a white rope. Then I remembered why I stopped doing this. I remember the ganging up on me by “others” that were out and about. I think I was saved. Maybe by an angel. Idk.

Anyways, I have also experienced a moment when I was sleeping and getting up out of my bed because I overheard my family outside of my room speaking about me. So I got close to my door to listen through the crack. Then something weird happened. I began to hear a voice telling me “This is your higher self speaking”. It was a female voice and sounded Brittish like a Marissa Peer or Lina Grace. And so I was like "No your not. Shut up and let me hear what they’re saying. And she kept going like “Yes I am your higher self, blah blah blah”. But I just talked over her because I was not going to go crazy. Then I heard my brother coming towards my room and he called for me and knocked on my door. I went to open the door but instead woke up on my bed. So then I was relieved then I heard another knock on my door and I suddenly realized that my brother calling me and knocking on the door was what had woken me up just then at that moment! So I got up. And I felt like I had already been up and about without ever actually woken up. Walking around without ever leaving my bed. Like I had an out of body experience.

So my questions to you guys are:

What do you guys use to lucid dream?

What have been your experiences?

Any advice?

Do you think I’m astral traveling or projecting while using the lucid dreaming sigil?

Do you know why everything is usually dark in my dreams?

Did I travel to the Quantum Realm?

Did I travel to space?

Did I really diss my higher self?

Am I going crazy?

Let me know all you can share and thanks guys for the welcome and kind help. I have recently been introduced by a friend to these tools and abilities so I’m new to all this the forum and new to Sapien and Dreamseeds channel.


I also used the Lucid Dreaming Psychic Card and the DMT video with good results in the past. I also requested my Dragon Golem servitor ( In case you have not yet tried this, it’s a free Sigil for download at Sapien’s Gumroad site if you want to try it ) a numbers of times for this and it complied.

With the card, it was purely lucid dreaming of ordinary daily life; with the DMT audio, there was one strange, trancelike dream talking to a departed friend in a confined dimension; with the Dragon Golem servitor, lucid dreaming as usual and in one instance, it helped me to astral travel from the dream state, although I could not see, feel or hear it.

Just over a month ago, I had a lucid dream without using any of the 3 tools above and I willed a man to change to an animal and it became a sheperd dog. Then, I willed the dog to change, it became a huge, fierce beast, it lunged at me but I just stood and it stopped and faded away. This confirmed what I read from a Dream Yoga book that you can manipulate organic or non-orgranic objects in your dream and this will reflect how you cope with your emotions in the awakened state and in life.

I think this is a very useful skill if you become proficient at it in resolving issues in your life and problem-solving in general. I’m not an expert on it and that’s just my simple perspective. Continue learning about it, use tools at your disposal like Sapien’s stuff and you may find some that will work for you. I used the LD video for 5 days, saw no results and did not continue.

Also, I find this video informative, this is the first time I came across Toltec Dreaming. Sounds interesting:

I cannot answer your other questions, so may be other members can help you with those. Hope you find this info useful.


That’s cool. I always felt some of my dreams were a reflecting alternative realities! That’s why sometimes my dreams feel like real memories, but when I wake up I recognize that my real memories where slightly different.

I will research toltec dreaming. That sounded interesting…

Thank you for the video!


:face_with_hand_over_mouth: You use it for wet dreams @Anjoluz? Lol. Just kidding I have the sigil too. I PM you. I’m a girl. But I’m interested in your dreams.


When are we going to see a Lucid Dreaming 2.0 version?

I don’t mind buying these other audios too.

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Hopefully our Captain_Nemo is working on it


I got the extra strength version on Gumroad. I loop the playlist occasionally with other new chakra audios as well and experience quite vivid dreams. But do these vivid dreams have specific meanings- not sure about that.

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I don’t know if someone has posted this already, but try meditating on Ego Dissolution directly before going to sleep. Thank (or curse) me later