🎵 Subliminal: Beast Mode Confidence

You seem like a decent being. I’ll make an exception and look the other way just this time :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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It’s that time of the year again. When I ask you a simple question.

If I want to remove the belief “I lose my shit every other week”

What would I replace it with?

coz “I don’t lose my shit” won’t get registered by the subconscious in the way I want

P.S. you’re my favorite english teacher.

Here you go :eyes:

Everything I do is a reminder of what success is. I notice I am in complete control of all of myself at any given time. This feeling of overwhelming motivation is a proof to me that I take action where everyone else fails. I can see it, i can feel it, i can hear it, I can smell it, i can taste it. I destroy the belief of being driven by extraneous forces, I am in complete control of my actions – i am the master of my destiny!

The positive emotions that accompany my new experiences create such a sense of escapism, exhilaration, and enjoyment that it becomes an anchor for how life now is!

This anchoring is automatically leading me to a specific emotional state from a sensory signal. I have natural anchor that has been created in my brain which is being triggered unconsciously throughout the day reminding me of my endless amounts of drive and motivation in the most effective way possible.

With this anchoring i intend to access an emotional limbic resource. This resource, will provide me with an action ability that will be translated into a superior emotional state of drive and determination.
I further ingrain this belief in the earliest form of my existence and further implant it in the form of my earliest memories.

I am the Action Guy!


Jesus “tity fucking” Christ

This is extremely helpful

Heck yeah! :metal:t3:


Frequency.Devision will you do a new seduction audio if I’ll give you 8-9 affirmation txt’s by e-mail? Thank you.

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I just updated it like 2 weeks ago. Next one I’m releasing is a wealth accumulation subliminal that I’ve been working on for some time now. What were you looking for anyways it’s probably already scripted in there :grinning:


Awesome !

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Great news, can’t wait!


Why don’t you make your own store. You have all your costumers here.

This could be a huge opportunity there’s always demand for subliminals.

You could also integrate prayers of Joseph Murphy into the subs. The prayers are extremely powerful.

I used a healing prayer for my situation 2 hours a day.

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I was working on one and then stopped for some reasons. I’ll probably have something up soon.

:eyes:So sorry to hear that! Really, what is going on?

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What the fuck don’t fucking leave us please :pray:. Your the best. We need you. Who’s hating on you I’ll take care of it :crystal_ball:

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Nothing to worry about :joy: @MUSICMUSICMUSIC was quoting Edit : someone else past posts, :sweat_smile: :man_facepalming: :man_shrugging:



Whew :sweat_smile: false alarm guys! It was an email i was responding to. It was somebody else. Sabrina’s cool. Wasn’t her. Blame it on @Dr_Manhattan :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m kidding


My bad, I thought I read that somewhere I swear to God :scream: I am having" multiple Déjà vu !!!


Lol it’s my fault. Doing things half way in my sleep. :rofl:


Say wut ? say wut ?
It’s my name don’t wear it out bro


Okay okay fine :no_good_man:t2:

Hey i like those shades by the way. I need a pair for myself. Is that s*** Versace?


Why would you want to know that ? Hire your own stylist you cheap punk !
You think I’m playing, I’m working my a$$ off to pull off that slick boytoy look. I ain’t got non’ for you

That’s Philip for you… end of discussion !