Sudden extreme fatigue

Loop it


Ask dream it might not be safe.


Have you tried Cosmo volt Imogen? Sending you health blessings :heart::heart::heart:


Is it safe to loop? I also have long covid but I thought we could only listen to RFTLH 2 or 3 times. I thought those guidelines were there because of the blood clotting issues but if we can loop it then that would be great. My doc told me it could take anywhere from 6 months to a year for it to go away, long covid sucks.

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Try vitamin d and vitamin c



Thanks. I’m really needing healing right now :pray:



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It’s all good don’t worry, it’s the process of healing that really takes you on a deeper journey. We’re all dealing with something @anon25711007 and we will heal!


You should really focus on the long haul field and loop it as much as possible, I’ve looped it many times and didn’t see any negative effects (I also didn’t have covid, I was just using it for extra benefits)


Depends on the field but this one i would try you can always try and see what happens but most fields are loopable to a certain extent wouldnt do it with hormonal fields and always act at your own discretion.

Id do it defenitly at least more than 3 times try 6 9 12 16 times and see how you feel.
I play most fields as long as i lik but i also read through the audio description and have an okay biological/biochemical knowledge and understanding of most things plus the internet is very helpful when it comes to finding out stuff about anything.

It seems like @Shivy-SzN already did and he is fine but well loop at your own risk and healing ;)


You try it out, I’m cycle-busting virus 2.0, my throat is sore and my body is tired and I’m getting better soon

Wow. You also sick too? Hopefully you get better. Is it covid?

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Feeling like Covid-19, I’ll listen while I sleep
The epidemic is not over yet, we should always listen to Virus 2.0

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True. My neighbors also been coughing. I wonder what type of variant it is now.

Try it if you have smart stem cells, it can help with regeneration

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Cool thank you @Baya I’ll try it now and see how far I can go with it :ok_hand:t3:

@anon25711007 We got this :muscle:t3:
I hope you feel better soon :slightly_smiling_face:
Faaack yoooou loooong Cooooovid :fu:t3:


@anon25711007 this one worked wonderfully for me as a night stack:

All x5, except Plasma charged Mitochondria and Lymphatic x3


Thanks everyone. For sending good energy. Last night my body temperature almost reach 40. Then I tried to sleep it out. Couple hours later it came down. It was hell :sweat_smile: but glad it over now. Whatever you do sending me good healing and that. I really thankful for it :two_hearts:


I’m sorry to read this! Fatigue is not easy :heart: I’m a bit on repeat with this but I would highly suggest trying an anti-inflammation field. Covid activates your immune system, which creates a hella lot of inflammation. These are my two go to and you can play them without fear of overwhelm or taxing your body:

-brain and spine antioxidant complex
-nerve inflammation help

Worth a shot! I hope you feel better soon :slight_smile: