Suggestion to create a backup of all the videos on some alternate platform

Almost everyday some of sapien’s videos are getting taken may be a good idea if we keep a backup on some other platform or on sapien’s website itself so that it is easier for people who are not on patreon etc.

Hope the mods consider this suggestion :slight_smile: :innocent:


I would gladly create a youtube clone for Dream if he’s going to use it.


There is already a closed channel in Patreon, that’s enough. I suggest deleting most of the videos from YouTube so that everyone goes to the private channel on PATREON. The video format is not needed here, all the audio is on Patreon in its original quality. YouTube and Google regularly censor video channels and sites, change the rules, dictate terms in which there is no common sense. It would be more logical to leave a few videos as a demo on YouTube and make Patreon the main channel.


Dear @adm , what you say might be a viable solution but not a practical one. many people can’t be a patreon member for some reason and it will be a problem for them.

instead i suggest to move the videos to vimeo/bitchute platforms where are less restrictions and takedowns.

A self hosted server is the best solution though.


I believe that everything in this life has a price and if a person who is ready to transform himself and is looking for tools for this, 5 dollars per month for access will support the production of new audio programs. What kind of person who does not find 5 dollars a month? This is a very small amount of money for these tools.


i don’t think sapien mind was ever a for profit venture and patreon was always a way where you could ‘support’ sapien and not a gatekeeping community


In addition, I believe that people who increase their vibrations every day should work with these tools, but for most people who are constantly in darkness, this is not intended.

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How do the people who are engulfed in darkness find the light then?


People will find light by paying $ 5. For example, to become wiser, you buy a book and read it. This is how you buy meditation on the site of a famous author in order to increase your vibrations, to become cleaner and achieve your goals. Here is the same thing.Unfortunately, in this world, to make programs every day you need to live on something, you need to pay for website hosting and so on. If you are not a rich man who may not think about money. Tell me, you also do everything for free for people and you do not need money in this world? Maybe you cook food and give it out to the poor every day? Or do you make programs and put them out for people every day for free? You probably don’t pay for your house, food, don’t buy equipment, you don’t have a car, and you can not think about anything other than producing new audio?
So imagine that you are doing everything for free and putting it out for everyone, and people instead of gratitude are constantly indignant and complain about you, without any reason for it, do you think most of these people deserve what you do for them? They are in darkness and spread darkness everywhere, they want to stop you from bringing light and do everything to destroy you. Although you can work calmly every day among people who love you, rewarding you every month for your work.


Here is a screenshot of the Video Content Management application which can be hosted on a private server as little as $5 a month:

Dream can also add google adsense to this so he’ll be able to make money off its visitors too.
I am not saying this should replace youtube but it’s really good to have a backup where everything can be controlled by Sammy and Dream without YT politics.

Here are all it’s features:

  • Upload Videos : Upload any video from your device and share it online
  • Import Videos : Import videos easily from YouTube, Dailymotion, and Vimeo.
  • Auto Import Videos : Choose few keywords, run the task, sit back and thousands of videos will be importred from YouTube and Dailymotion to your site!
  • High Performance & Capability : can handle more than 1B vidoes easily, with a very high performance and speed.
  • WoWonder Integration : With one click, user can login to your site using WoWonder Social Network.
  • Like & Dislike : User can like or dislike videos.
  • Comments System : User can comment on videos.
  • Subscriptions, History, Watch Later Pages : See what you recently watched, exploer other channels videos by subscribing to their channel, and save video to watch them later.
  • User Channels : User can create his own channel and upload/import unlimted videos.
  • Full Advertisement System : Admin & Users can create videos, vpaid, vast, and images ads from the admin panel.
  • SiteMap Generator : If you have 10 vidoes, or 1 Billion videos, our sitemap gernator system will generate a powerful sitemap and ping it to Google/Bing.
  • SEO friendly : SEO friendly links, and HTML code that Google will love!
  • Powerful Admin panel : Manage settings, videos, design, and a lot more easily from our admin panel.
  • Powerful UI : Beautiful and modern design.
and much more…

Wait, I thought the channel is verified making it unlikely?

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Why all these videos if there is a channel on Patreon where there is all the audio in maximum quality? Who needs this at all? Why save all these videos if they are always on Patreon?

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adm maybe you havn’t noticed but YT is shakey where they delete videos as they see fit. What if one day they decide that the sapien medicine channel no longer meets their acceptance use policy and decide to shut it down? is there a free backup for people to go to?

I am a subscriber to patreon, it’s great but it’s still not as appealing as watching dream’s creative videos while listening to the audio.

While this tool is reserving a backup of all Sapien’s videos but also generating adsense income as his fan-base grows.


I already wrote about this many times, it makes no sense to follow the constantly changing conditions in Google and YouTube, censorship on these services is tightened, they delete any materials at their discretion. They can block any video, sites, channels at any time. What is the point of being part of a system that oppresses you. Therefore, I propose to leave only a few demo videos on YouTube, and make the channel on Patreon the main one. Moreover, the video format on YouTube is not effective, as the audio on Patreon.

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@adm I have a feeling that you want this stuff to remain lowkey…its understandable but its not fair

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I think that everything is honest. I want people who receive tools for their improvement to be grateful for this. In fact, materials that really work cost a lot of money from all famous authors. They are not intended for a wide range of people.As a rule, this is written on sites that in order to work with meditations or energies you need to regularly increase your vibrations, work with chakras, get training.


You reckon Patreon quality is better?

Original audio is placed on Patreon, unlike YouTube. On YouTube, videos aren’t as effective as audio on Patreon.

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Are you sure about that? Youtube videos are specially made for the Youtube compressing system, etc.

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I’ll explain to you - YouTube servers compress and convert all the videos at their discretion, so the quality itself worsens. And if you also download videos from YouTube through third-party services, it is again converted and compressed and efficiency is lost. At Patreon, all audio is in original quality without conversion and compression. All audio in original quality is collected on Patreon.