Take this as a subjective opinion…
A non-intrusive look at your energy system makes me think - this is more physical and less energetic. Your spiritual energies seem ok to me - but physical energy seems a little lower, especially around the Root chakra.
Are you getting enough nutrients in your food? The Root Chakra feels a little week - you may want to ensure you are covering sufficient protein and minerals and amino acids in your diet. Also add a few loops of grounding - earth is very nourishing and Mulabandha generally is complemented by walks with barefoot on the earth (or Sapien’s Automated Grounding). I have also heard of the Tree Experience audio help with chronic fatigue in some cases.
We sometimes use a term called yōgāyāsa (Yogic fatigue) where the physical nourishment is insufficient/incorrect to fuel the spiritual practices - especially when some of the practices are bumping up the metabolism. Adding a little Indian ghee (clarified butter) will certainly help as it nourishes the inner fire. Yogic Fire burns - aberrations and doshas - but in the absence of enough physical nourishment, may consume some of the dhatu (components) in the body which can be avoided by regulating the diet to ensure a wholesome one.
Some of the fatigue could be strong detox as well - as the inner fire burns away layers of unwanted embellishments.