
AI is pretty selective in what it does…or more like, trained to do certain things. Plus human preferences have changed its behaviour.

I could ask it to make sigils or symbolic representations. Put tarot arcana or Jungian archetypes in the images…you can basically do whatever.

But I want “pretty” pictures. So I will use the description I need for the picture I want. Then I will simply add the switchword string somewhere in the description. How I’m going to tell the AI to do it I still didn’t think about. I will come up with some stuff and try different things. When I play with AI it ends up eating a couple of hours and some mental energy.

I’m sure AI even knows about switchwords, can define and pull up strings if you ask it (I’ve always asked it for hypersigils and it doesn’t hesitate).

As for sigils, you can simply sigilize the switword string (code?), or sneak it into an affirmation.

In fact, I always thought about doing that with subliminals, guided meditations, etc. Just sneak the switchwords inside the statements if they make sense.

On the other hand, old mind programming audios used to have string of words (as a sort of single word affirmation) playing on the left ear. So that can be done too. A proper meditation, hypnosis, or what have you in one channel, and the switchwords on another.

But given embedded commands and all that, I really like the sneak-in option. I’d just keep the strings as they are.

I don’t feel so confident a simple number cypher would work (I mean, using a switchword for every 7th word or smth like that…doesn’t make much sense to make yourself anyway, as your conscious mind knows what’s up).

And writing this just gave me the idea of turning them to numbers too :thinking:

By the way I’ve already experienced your tip in real-time. Got me excited about all I can do with this. Feels a bit like mantras, but more personal, as it is energy or what have you from my own subconscious.


AI is too broad of a term there are many just foundational models, countless small scale ones, fine-tuned, arrays of techniques to stitch them behind the scenes with additional information they weren’t trained on, different models have different training data, so whatever wasn’t in this process and most importantly wasn’t in the training data is almost certainly out of reach of the model.

I really like your handwriting.

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Hi Everyone! :slight_smile:

Here is a wonderful site for the amazing Switchwords.

Enjoy! Universal Switchwords List . . . Open Switchwords List

Blessings and Love