Tag Fields vs Audio Fields

My friends and I are interested in the fields on the tags: Energy Collector; Alternative reality; Male Energies.
It’s time for the developer to reconsider their views, and stop releasing audio fields “for housewives,” which are not very practical. There are many people who value their time, and they are not always ready to spend time on YouTube views.


What is Alternative Reality?


@Captain_Nemo @SammyG

What exactly does male energy do ?! And I thought there was already an energy collector !?

So they are only ‘practical’ when they are what you want? Why does every other post of yours contain some sort of insult towards us? I just don’t get it man. And it isn’t time for us to do anything. We’ll do things the way we see best fit. We know there are many things we can do that will bring us way more money but I don’t know if you noticed by now, that’s not how we roll.

Energy storage is energy collector.
We aren’t making alternate reality field. That was more dale’s thing and wasn’t something dream partook much in.
And male energies is a possibility. But that is rather overwhelming to have male hormones being stimulated every moment of the day when you have the tag on. That can hurt you more than benefit you in the long run.


Very well-said @SammyG. I know we don’t say it often, but thanks for everything you and @Captain_Nemo do.


can you make a marlon brando/james dean field in physical form? Something that makes women horny?
I think thats what he meant with male energys. A bad boiii vibe that makes women instantly fall for you.

It wouldnt hurt anyone to have such a field.


i mean i personally usse the thor field and it gives you respect and shit and women want to be with you but still when marlon brando enters the room there arre women who would literally just rip his clothes off.

thats what i mean with male vibe.


@Atreides The Alternate reality field:

"This field works simply by switching you to another reality like with the multi - universe concept, it tries to switch you to a reality in which you receive the outcome you are seeking. "

found description somewhere in old thread, we discussed once about it I think


Does the G in SammyG stand for Gangsta? :blush:
Seriously though, I’ve said this in another post, it’s your house and sometimes people need to be told how to behave in your house, and that’s all of us.
@SammyG, you and most others on this forum make your points respectfully and that’s part of the appeal of reading these threads imo.


I know you posted this a while ago. Just reading through the forum a little bit now, and have to say, Man I really hope that one comes back. Who couldn’t use that?

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Alternate Realities: Once you place this item on yourself, you will be able to focus on what interests you (alternate reality wise) and go there. This will be good for about one shift per day, and won’t let you instantly get yourself killed.

Other than that…

You just change realities.

By definition, you will be changing your reality for another persons (an alternate you) that also has a similar item and wants to change places.

Infinite realities means you still have infinite possibilities though. (There will be a lot of You’s out there that think your world and reality seems pretty nifty…)

What the person does with this, that is up to them. Most shifts will be small, and you have to know what you want. There has to be an even exchange of mass and energy, obviously, or else the whole system would take too much energy, but this can work, at least in small steps.

(Seriously, the world I came from was different than this one. Al Gore won the presidency and Monica Lewinsky was actually cute, if a stuck up snob… The Monica here is a lot nicer, if heavier set and not as into herself.)

It is experimental however, so I don’t know how to give people assurances. It WILL work, but small shifts need to be noted. If you want to get to the world of free gold bars or the planet of free love…

Well, I can’t say it is impossible! I know my interests would never allow me to give up trying to help others for such things though.

That is all I have for now.

Do you have any other ideas?

Take care friend.


Question: Alternate realities is a bit confusing. Is this like Alternate universes? Will the changes be permanent or temporary?

Dale’s Answer: Alternate realities, alternate universes, these are the same thing. The changes when shifting from one to another tend to be small in each step, but you can keep making them, traveling from one world to another, by switching places with an alternate version of yourself.

There are rules for this, and while I have worked with it for some time personally, this reality has only just gotten a mathematical proof showing that Multiple realities is a real thing.

This is mainly for entertainment at this point however, unless someone gets really into it. They would hold the mental idea of going to a world that has a different property or two, then go to sleep at night (or whenever they sleep) and would wake up in a reality closer to the one they wanted.

(There has to be a person willing themselves from there into the persons current reality scheme though, which is a limiting factor, you would only go to the closest one.)

But since there are nearly infinite possibilities, there is always someone willing to trade. (An alternate version of yourself.) You don’t talk to them of course, you just switch places, based on both trying to do so with similar items at the same time.

This further limits the reality “area” you can change to, as someone will have had to make the items, mainly me (or some version of me) in this local area of reality space/time. Of course I am not doing this, nor do I live, in all realities.

It would need a very, very clear description and it is only for those fascinated with the subject, not those seeking power. While it would be possible to “better” your reality this way, shifting from one reality to the next, it is a poor idea, as you can also simply be wrong and slip into darker realities just as easily as good ones.

But it has a unique “charm” to it and is different from what others have offered.

Still, I am unsure about this as well. Sometimes the shifts are not very dramatic, and this may disappoint some people that expect to instantly see dragons and wizards on the street corner of their town…

Dale Power

So, now you can see how you have to be skillful with your thoughts and with controlling your thoughts in order to use this in desirable way. So, it’s not for everyone, as you can see.
And I certainly wouldn’t use it if I knew I have daily more negative thoughts than positive.


Dale with his OP fields, I wish I bought them back then.

I wonder what he is doing nowadays, does he read this forum ?


Did you know of this one?

Mystic/Monk Aura

These item give off a mix of energies help energize and saturate you to create a strong mystic aura.

These energies also help a lot in growing and developing your own energy system helping to push for more ‘psychic experiences’ experiences will tend to grow and heighten.

This can also help with imposing your will on reality and creating events to happen that benefit you, sort of an etheric radionic device.
The energy mix itself can be described as golden in colour and is very nourishing to those who wish to continue on a spiritual path.

This item is balanced to help you in all aspects of your life. It helps calm the mind, cleanse the body, and gives you a bit more control in your day to day tasks.


Where is the mystic/monk aura do you have link?

Ha! I remember that field.
Different timelines are fun. sometimes :frowning:


Nope. Nada. Wrong.
Ha, one has to master this current reality before one goes jumping to new ones.
This field deserves to be lost in another timeline - For a very very long time.


This is literally true in my case. I had this field and for the heck, I just cannot find the object anymore! It just got lost somewhere!


So yeah, when it first started happening to me, I would use a “locate object” spell which is probably the first spell/psychic power I mastered as a child. (I was always leaving my jackets somewhere)

And most times I would see some type of fae out of the corner of my eye, and then the object would come back.

So knowing fae love to play jokes and have a little fun, I really thought it was just them messing with me or using/playing with the fields themselves.

Over time, I started to realize they were “removing” the fields on purpose. Not as a joke, but because it didn’t belong in this/that timeline or had been “boosted” too much…


I believe we are changing which timeline we are on every single moment by means of what information and emotion we allow our spirit to resonate with.