The "after birth" audios

Hey all!

I’m so exited about the new womb healing audio :+1:
However I gave birth for the first time 9years ago and I got a lot of stitches down there. Ever since I have been working on healing my “down under” and my pelvic floor.
It has gotten a lot better and my pelvic muscles are now stronger than they were before birth (due to training and Sapiens “urinary incontinence” audio).
However it feels like it is more the scar and the tissue that is causing me problems and the way that it has healed.
I will not give up on healing this and I would be very grateful for any advise for audios that might be helpful for this :blush:
It feels like the “stem cell to scar tissue” does something good but there might be others that could be better? And if so I would really like to know :blush:

And for all the other mothers out there I would also like to dedicate this thread to audios in general that are helpful after birth.
My ideas would be:
Womb healing
Base and sacral

I see that it gets to much for me to update every recommendation here but I do hope that this thread will help other mothers too :kissing_heart:


:rofl: typo: queue the pregananant humor
Wooo! :boom:

Here based on research and people’s experiences

1st Spine and nerves to realign + joint

  1. The Spinal Tapper - YouTube
  2. Posture Help with Atlas Adjustment (Energetically Programmed Audio) - YouTube
  3. Joint Regeneration (Morphic/Energetically Programmed Audio) - YouTube
  4. Collagen Booster Ver 2.0 - YouTube
  1. Tdcs and NGF - YouTube
  2. Nerve Damage Help - YouTube


  1. After Workout Muscle Recovery (Morphic/Energetically Programmed Audio) ver2.0 - YouTube
  2. Utter Relaxation and Muscle Massage - YouTube
  3. Muscle Massage - YouTube
  4. The Foot Spa (Feet Rejuvenation) - YouTube
  1. Transform Fat to Stem Cells (Energetic/ Psychic Programmed Audio) - YouTube
  2. Core Strengthening (Energetically/Morphic Programmed Audio) - YouTube
  3. Stomach Shrinking and Toning (Psychic/Morphic programmed audio) - YouTube
  4. Abdominal Wall Restoration - YouTube
  6. Hip Flexors etc, Automated - YouTube
  7. Automated Gluteal Workout (Energetically Programmed Audio) - YouTube

Possibly any endocrine, intestine, urinary related fields for lower region if needed after the spine and nerves. Looking at pregnancy spinal charts help a lot

Skin stuff

Also (almost forgot)

Paid stuff