The Amulet of Intuitive Magnetism

So many powerful benefits to be gained from this new release. We really are spoilt for choice :heart_eyes:


Good questions, Jen. In this case the concept covers malintent, the decision to injure or do wrong to someone. Your examples are good ones that the amulet will support.


It is energetic, the way a potion is energetic. Amulet is a descriptive term to conceptualize the morphic field.


Thanks Rose! :green_heart::green_heart:


YW Fae


Just got this beaut, replaced one other field from my stack with it. Also going to load it up to a servitor for spamming purposes.

Let’s see what happens!

I am a bit worried it’s not going to work for me because I’m far from a saint and my intentions may not be 100% pure and whatnot. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m probably worried unnecessarily, but we’ll see.


yep! You are going to work beautifully together! :slight_smile:


Differences with The Charisma Potion?

Are you asking between The Amulet of Intuitive Magnetism and Charisma Potion?
I don’t have both, so I can’t speak about personal experience.

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Yes, in your opinion

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My perception (so take with a grain of salt), they both offer unique benefits :slightly_smiling_face:
If your goal is to enhance your natural charm, make a strong impression in social settings, and leave others captivated by your presence, then Charisma Potion is your ideal choice.

While The Amulet of Intuitive Magnetism, is more holistic, boosting not only magnetism but also strategic intelligence, a touch of luck, and ability to read people and situations.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your specific goals and what kind of presence or skills you wish to have/strengthen.


So Charisma Potion might be more for social interactions like romantic dating while this Intuitive Magnetism is more suited for example to job interviews?

@Fender_Cad Romantic and job interviews both need communication and social skills which Charisma would be good too; but with the amulet it has added benefits on luck influence, promoting integrity, gives you an edge for favourable outcome, in this case a job interview.

Which reminds me of Charisma and Glamour ability if you have a servitor :slightly_smiling_face:

Career Advancement:
Enhanced charm and appearance can be advantageous in job interviews, networking events, and professional meetings, potentially leading to career advancements and new opportunities.


No I don’t have any, I don’t like using servitors; I also own The Golden Glow; for a possible job change, therefore interviews, taking advantage of the sale, what do you recommend between this and Aureus Fortuna? Thanks.

The Golden Glow is a fantastic one. Aureus Fortuna has received great reviews specifically for success in interviews.

If you’re on a budget, consider which one you feel more drawn to personally. Trusting your intuition can often guide you to the tool that will work best for you. Both have their unique strengths, so choose the one that resonates with you, and purposeful for other uses too (beyond interviews).
Good luck with your job search! :mechanical_arm: - meant for possible job change


@ecaiii I already have a job but maybe I will have to change it for various reasons, that’s why I was asking you which tool was better between this one, Potion Charisma or Aureus Fortuna.

What would you personally do?

If on a budget and thinking to only get one, leverage on the Golden Glow for its charisma and social abilities, then get Aureus Fortuna (other than its benefits, reviews, I also love the auspicious energy that comes on the day it was released-since you’re asking me lol).
If happy to splurge, Amulet comes close as it also supports unique presence and skills I wish to strengthen. :sparkles:


You’re referring to manipulative qualities, so it also manipulates events as if it has an element of probability alteration luck?


Yep, that plus the situational intelligence, adaptive confidence and perceptive edge :ok_hand:t3:


Without budget limits what would you choose?