The Arcane Potion of Awakening

This concept is fire. :fire:

The Arcane Potion of Awakening will help you to receive all the knowledge and insight that your very own Mastermind Conclave can provide. The Mastermind Conclave combines personalized mentorship and subconscious insights

Welcome direct mentorship.


Will this help me access the akashic records?


First read about the akashic records and how they can be accessed. Then determine who works with them, summon them to be in your conclave and ask how you can access them. This Conclave is staffed by your own personal teachers, researchers, spiritual masters. The possibilities are endless. Get the right people in the room, then stand up and say “how do I access the akashic records?” or “who can teach me how to access the akashic records?” Through this conclave and this potion you have access to whatever it is you desire. It becomes your own experiment in consciousness. Since we know Edgar Cayce accessed them, he is a good place to start.


so we are, in fact, asking our Higher self? This audio is a tool to be able to access the wisdom of our Higher self (the little part of God, all knowing, that we are) ?


It’s all One. You are connecting with yourself at all levels, as there is only One. The Conclave, the Potion. It’s all the same energy, everywhere present, manifesting as the answer you need, as the wisdom you seek.


also, what could be of help in order to be able to distinguish between the real answers and my auditory imagination?


Do you have confirmation that your auditory imagination isn’t real?

What did Dumbledore say to Harry? “Just because it’s in your head, Harry, doesn’t mean it’s not real” :slight_smile:



Just like Harry met Dumbledore, i met IShowSpeed in my Dream and we spent a whole day together. It really felt like him. Or maybe a projected copy of him.

The experience indeed felt real as if i lives it and it was in my memory. I could feel emotions there and i can remember how it felt walking around with Speed.




You know that question ‘Who would you like to have dinner with, dead or alive?’
and a few ears ago I imagined who I would like to gather at a dinner table party
and I imagined that hmm this might be possible
and so if someone was to ask me the question I would be like



i guess the intuition development from the Potion Of The Oracle would help with this also


Yes, Potion Of The Oracle can help immensely, plus add to the realization that you have always had these abilities. Now the joy of celebration and more conscious control!


First off, let me tell you, the music is super chill but still has that flow
 and it helps you have a chat with your Conclave
 at least, in my case. And having your own Conclave is the best (for me, at least). Seriously, it’s incredibly effective. I asked for clear signs
 and I got them. Maybe I didn’t pick the best ones, but it’s like being in constant touch with someone. Much more effective than combining Telegram, WhatsApp, and Instagram.

A tip if you’re going to use the Conclave: ask for signs that you know won’t mess with you. For example, since I’m a bit quirky, I asked to get little jabs before certain people showed up or were tempted to talk to me. And guess what? I literally got a jab every time. Obviously, I asked for another kind of sign. Maybe still a bit disturbing, but not that disturbing.

On the flip side, if the Potion of Manifestation was already flooding me with synchronicities, this is like leveling up to PRO status. It’s insane. I’m practically rolling in synchronicities. It’s like playing Monopoly and landing only on “Go” spaces where you get to collect $200 and keep rolling the dice
 Well, I mean, synchronicities existed before, but now I’m fully aware of them. They used to be “meh” and now they’re like a cat that follows you even to the bathroom; Intense, persistent, continually.

3454323 references to communicating, acting, and performing.
111, 1919, 2323, 1313, 1212, 555, 222 + Tadeusz (a Polish name or surname). I keep stumbling upon them everywhere (doors in TV shows, MB, comments on YouTube channels, in books, in movies, on the street, in random conversations, and even on my pizza receipt. Not in the toppings, though :upside_down_face:).
But now I have a Conclave that explains what it all means for my situation, or at least to give me a few jolts and jabs.


Sounds fascinating! Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:


There is an intuitive element that is awakened when using this potion, also the communication with the conclave is really effective, as it seems to adapt to your stimuli to receive the answers you seek, it seems to enhance meditation and spiritual practices and makes you more receptive to signals as you align yourself towards a greater path :dizzy: :shinto_shrine:


Well, glad to know that I’m not crazy!
I do this quite frequently with Jesus and Krishna :sweat_smile:
With all due respect, now I kinda wanna add a 3rd person
 but not sure who
 :smiley: it’ll come to me.


Any updates on this mentorship! :grinning:

I think this is being ignored as this can really help with many major decisions in life.