a new updated description for the Black Orchid; this is more like a “how to use the orchid” using her design and a few other naturally present abilities in her, and how they were added to the project.
The project was made with a very individualistic approach, in that she appears to every person differently. No 2 people will experience the black orchid in the same way. As more time goes, the black orchid reveals all her petals and all her mystery sides to the user, the longer they spend time with her. this is the conceptual idea behind this design.
Synergistic Masculine
Orchids have this perfect balance between the masculine and feminine within their design. Survival of the masculine has extended into the intelligence of the feminine. Strength, resilience, and power are all growing of the orchid. High endurance activities like workouts will bring a much higher capability. Going beyond the natural human level for survival and longer lasting durations can be supplemented with enormous power. The Elixir of Power and Strength within the Black Orchid is another way of working through the continuous moving forward of life. Survival is a big part of her. To Adapt. To march forward. She knows how to extend her legacy. That’s how she came to be.
Energy Reserving Qualities:
This is an inner quality and an intelligent ability of the Black Orchid wherein the use and direction of energy is systemized to fulfill the immediate and long term needs. The right amount of fuel is targeted to the tasks on hand. The approach helps with burnout related cases or spending less energy than required on a task. It will fuel the energy reserves of the person and add the intelligent use of the right resources and expenditure of energy. The ideal amount that works to your favor
The Ideal Human - Reality Creating and Human Blooming
the concept
Realities and human blooming are connected to each other. In her many variants, each has developed a certain correspondence. Red orchids have developed this fiery passionate conscious, the purple ones have developed the supreme wealth and royalty into them. Black orchids have developed this mystery and charming qualities.
From there emerged her manifestation abilities and the way she is designed to replace, with her petals, all the consciousness that corresponds to everything she represents.
Through her petals she emerges the concept of these ideals into the consciousness of the human being. She changes the consciousness to match this ideal state that she is.
Example Maybe I have a consciousness ailment on letting myself be free for example, but the Orchid is confidence… Intelligence… Alluring in her presence and qualities. She replaces, with her consciousness, (=her petals), the ailments present in the mind. From there also came the concept that she Creates reality.
She presents herself to be the epitome, and the ideal world of anything. Any concept that you can think of, She holds it. From there, she is given the active feature of constantly up-leveling one’s life. And so is the human, the person, will be given this drive and push to become blooming himself.
For the active feature— I recommend directly working on a group of topics until you feel they have been changed to this ideal version. And let some others run in the background until they reach a comfortable level that you can level up from, into this ideal version of yourself.
Deception and Perfection
the concept
When an Orchid wants to attract a pollinator, they emit the same pheromones that their pollinator use to attract their mates. The pollinator gets tricked into thinking that this a mating call from one of his species, the pollinator then follows the signals of the orchid until it lies down on the lips of the orchids then into the flower when the pollen pockets are waiting. Now orchids level this up some more, and shift their shapes to become an exact look-alike of their pollinators. So not only that the scent attracts them, but also the visual shape of the tricked pollinator.
In real life, this is transferred as a mysterious illusion that the user can wield to his favor, a situation that seemed entangled before is now made to energetically work in your favor. an extra smoke of mystical charm for an event, and intelligent use that is specialized to work for each individual differently. All the qualities of the black orchid herself are meant to be transferred into the user, with preferences and priorities given to the user’s desires.
Intelligence is a major aspect of the Black Orchid and she teaches you what you need to fulfill for the current stage of your life.
Love Intelligence - A Spicy Love Life
Passion, Relationships, and Love Life have all been parts to the Orchid. The roots to the orchid flower has long been used in magic to curate a potent love spell. And it is one of the only plants that do not need any additional ingredients with it. A magical conjure made with Orchids and intention would simply be enough. The Black Orchid brings this spice of love into your life, an automated feature that brings Love to your door, in the forms that match the person’s needs. Orchids are all about rooted expansion and passion, it is suited for relationships in all their stages, rooted for their stability or passionate in their first sight.
This feature also supplies the user with a lot of love intelligence that gives this new use and direction to what you know about love or your partners.
Nature Roots-- Grounding abilities
As a part of the plant kingdom that is rooted in the soils of earth, the black orchid is designed to ground herself into the user-- making it that the person’s existence is rooted into the grounds of Earth. it is particularly useful to ground from fields, the daily life, and maintain a seamlessly peaceful state of being grounded and possibly supplied with this “love” of touching the earth. This is a lot similar to The Tree Experience field except that it is tailored more to the exotic plant.
Protection - camouflaging abilities
Shape-shifting and comuflaging are intelligent abilities of the orchid. She applies her heightened alertedness to threats on the person. Making him invisible to any threats when danger is sensed. You can also let her know in general what is danger to you or specific people, energies or environment, that you perceive as danger.
Luxury Cosmetics – The Black Orchid Oil
This oil is a powerhouse of minerals and nutrients that are directly infused into the cells. The tissues are signaled to begin a restorative process that prolongs the human tissues, initiates new tissue growth cycle, and activates new cellular formation. Orchid oil improves moisture retention and saturates the skin with the supplied minerals, improving skin elasticity and with its anti-bacterial benefits, it can be used to treat eczema. Orchids contain this plant-jelly called mucilage that hydrates the skin to its deepest level… it works to retrain the skin to deeply absorb any other skin treatments (or be more responsive to skin and cellular health fields).
Results? the skin glows with new life.
Qualities, Persona, Charisma, Intelligence, and Dark Beauty
As exotic as she is, her qualities become an expression of her-- and in return an expression of yourself. the Black Orchid is actively improving the personality impressions, characteristics, and expressions. There are many qualities that she alludes within and into the outside world, particularly of this light spirit that is witty, playful, and humorous. the enigmatic presence that lights up the room but awakens the playful shadow from behind.
These are some personal qualities that active features of the orchid constantly helps with:
- Witt and humor
- Playfulness of Spirit
- Mystery and Elegance
- Royalty and Reverence
- Charisma and Intelligence
- Major Adaptability
- Embodying the Mystery of Beauty
- Ideal personality; individualized.
- BONUS: The Black Orchid Scent
Crispy Air: Scent & Oxygen:
Within her petals the user can be situated with a circle of fresh oxygen to be ‘breathed’ into the user, an active and on-demand feature of crisping up the air, and the environment, cleaning and charging the environment with an extra supply of oxygen; to be compressed upon user’s desire. the Black Orchid is also capable of delivering a specifically created scent blend, to be used for the environment and the personal scent. (fragrance)
plant-specific benefits: purifying the air
When plants like orchids filter the air by removing VOCs, [volatile organic compounds], They also perform another service. These harmful compounds are often catalysts or triggers for a wide range of common allergies. Asthma is the most obvious one, which can be triggered by chemicals like formaldehyde. these chemicals can increase the risk of children developing conditions like asthma. Like dust and pollen, other materials can also induce asthma attacks or hayfever. (research article)
a request was delivered to create a special scent inspired by Luxury brands creation of the Black Orchid :)
Medicinal Benefits of the Black Orchid:
Medicinal approach: restorative of the infrastructure of the body, vital organ tissues, healing of the root cause and ability to treat the widespread of disease, taking into account the interconnection of the human body.
generalized list of targeted medicinal benefits
- Kidney
- Lungs
- Liver
- Stomach
- diabetes
- allergies
- asthma
- breathing difficulties
- vibrant youthfulness
- cellular restructuring
- tissue engineering
- skin radiance
- eyesight
- pain relief
- stress
- anti-viral
- anti-microbial
- anti-tumor
- anti-bacterial
- release of oxidative stress
- anti-oxidants
- osteoporosis
- wound-healing
- migraines
- insomnia
- cellular regeneration
- skin conditions
This plant has been around for 200 million years and it is not novice in its learning journey. it has adapted, it has survived, and it has created new ways to fight off diseases with each new species. with mutations, these account for +100,000 species. One of her species, the Golden Orchid, is known as the “Seed of the Tree of Life” due to its miraculous anti-aging properties and restorative effects. Orchid’s healing properties target the root cause and is able to become widespread in its easing off disease process. It promotes healing and peace within the body which enables the physical body to also assist this healing process.
A simple list of the medicinal benefits wouldn’t include all the benefits, however, below is a simplified list of clinical, cultural, and ancient use of orchid for its medicinal qualities:
Medicinal use of the orchids
- Dried dendrobium: believed to possess medicinal properties that can help treat cancer, strengthen the immune system, and improve eyesight.
- Orchid tubers drink: curing sore throat, digestive problems, diarrhea, and gum disease.
- Mashed fruit of Aerides odorata: used in healing wounds. The juice extracted from the leaves is used in curing boils in ear and nose.
- Arundina graminifolia: Root decoction is used in body ache and as antibacterial medicine
Neurological health:
the leaves possess neuroprotective effect on amyloid beta-peptide induced neuronal cell death in IMR-32 neuroblastoma cells. It also provides neuroprotection by preventing brain damage through increased expression of genes encoding antioxidant proteins and acts as a potent neuro-protector at brain’s cellular and molecular level.
Cellular Health:
- Prevents PC12 cell apoptosis induced by serum deprivation through suppression of JNK pathway
- Stimulation of proliferation of B cells and inhibition of proliferation of T cells
Diabetes and Blood Sugar:
Dendrobium candidum showed anti-hyperglycemic effect and
stimulates secretion of insulin from beta cells and also inhibits
secretion of glucagon from cells hypotensive and diuretic activity. -
inhibitory effect on LPS-induced nitric oxide and production of prostaglandin E in RAW 264.7 cells.
and a lot more…
The world of botanical medicine is vast and probably carries the secrets of the healing nature. this role of plant medicine was extended in the Black Orchid to not only include the orchid species, but also all other plant medicine. Create your own potions, your essential oils, your list of loved ones, whatever it is your wish.
“Get creative with her, She has the forest under her spell.”