The Blessed Path (Public NFT)

thank you.

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I’ve been testing difference between this snd sanctum as they kinda seemed similar. Sanctum feels a lot stronger since its goal is your personnel space but blessed path is far from a slouch. The reach on this is real insanely far, you can see the dome reaching, the clouds look so trippy now. Everything go your way too, everything a lot easier…plus the benefit of item creating is a nice cherry on top


Just purchased it after debating 2 days long.
i have seen the amazing effect of The Welcomed, so im excited what The Blessed Path will bring - especially since this here has heart coherence, welcomed, plasma flower and divine grandmother’s mutual resprect bringing charm.

Other things i hope to see effect with this one are
more patience
self confidence
more grace and elegance lol
all the narcissists in my social cycle
respect - because torus weaved respect has been on my list ever since it was released, but again The Blessed Path comes with Plasma Flower which is another field i had on wishlist so this nft is several field effects i wanted in one package
i hope making items with this one can help my family to become healthier, lessen their pain and ease their worries…
i have an job interview tomorrow morning so i can see the effect of this nft in real life

and im also thinking of giving my divine grandmother a name… did the same with my black panther so hopefully she doesnt mind :slight_smile:


here is my testimonial
this field freed me, I can no longer contain myself, and the people who hurt me, before I was afraid to tell them.
Now I just tell them without it doing anything to me, it comes out on its own. I don’t even realize it. I also notice at my job, they want to fire me for over a year. I had a depression and I was angry with everyone, it was my fault. I notice that several colleagues are looking for a solution for me to stay, they come to talk to me, for a few days a new direction has been there, and in life, I meet lots of people from the past, whom I no longer saw.
For a few months, I had made objects and I put it to my work,
I have been wearing the NFT since November and have been listening to the audio for 1 week.


Can someone send me the image in high definition quickly? I can’t download it from my Phantom wallet to my phone. I have been able to download the audio but not the NFT image, I click on the download tab and nothing comes up.
On my pc it works fine and I am currently in a shop printing it out. I bought the NFT a few minutes ago.


There is an option now on Phantom Wallet to download the full resolution image directly to your phone!

You’ll find it under the dots on the top right when you click on your NFT inside the wallet.


NFTs original Image Download


Congratulations brother, looking forward to your update🥳


check your phone Gallery


Great thanks @Desiree :heartbeat: !!! I was able to download the NFT on Phantom :relieved::pray::orange_heart::sunny:


Thanks bro :blush:!!!

I’ll be back soon I think :grin:

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No problem bro this is on my future list too :laughing:

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Now I’m printing it from the photo machine, I’m going to make several copies :slightly_smiling_face:.


Its been 3 weeks with this NFT.

I got the job. An opportunity to start with an paid internship and if I still want to work with them at the end of those 4 months, they will take me in for vocational education and training.

My pets have become more affectionate.

My relationship with my family improved. Several times i was told that they really enjoy spending time with me. ive been more social. happy. less overtaken by my depression and anxiety. not as quick to explode - i kind of can see where others come from, whats behind their agenda or what the reason for their actions, feelings and words are

i asked the divine grandmother for help with a smooth evening at a birthday party. it was a great success.

its easier to get things done. im less resistant to doing chores like laundry, taking the trash out etc - my room is slowly day by day getting cleaner - which is also the influence of this nft, the whole “places of worship, respect, …” probably taking effect

my work in the animal shelter - i noticed a more uplifted, positive mood within the team when we get together on the weekends.


this is a great job congratulations


My friend’s cat caught a virus (PIF). I wish to send healing energies to him. I use the nestling . I will also offer him the “animals healing” audio.

Can the blessed path act on this virus?


I think it can in the way that it makes everything go smoother. Divine Grandmother also has healing/comforting abilities.


Thank you for your answer :blush::pray::sunny:


Posting my first review. :point_up:t6:
I have to give credit to the Divine Grandmother, the team and of course Captain for creating such powerful NFT.

Since December my life took a turn around, as one psychic reader said “You will wish for a new direction in life and as if by magic, your wish will be granted soon.” So grateful and thankful for all deities, angels, who all intercede with my prayers who are guiding me to my Blessed Path.

Some beautiful things happened over the course of months:

Negative situations avoided

  • When I had to take a long journey just to cross another island here in PH along with looming natural disruptions (typhoons, cancelled flights, cancelled ferries, etc) I was able to make it after 5 transits and being on the road/water/air from 5am to 7pm without ANY disruptions, blew my mind.

Worship without religion

  • I enjoy playing this while attending yoga classes and feel in tune with my body as if I’m in a sacred safe space, and all the others are in a positive mood not showing frustration on some challenging poses

Care of the environment and animals around

  • Ahh this is bliss, I find myself taking walks by the beach, nature or anywhere and just happily playing the audio and hoping I’m spreading positivity one place at a time!

Social Interactions

  • I am for one an introvert :see_no_evil: it takes me a while to warm up to people and to situations, but having this played on background allows me to step up, voice out and connect with like minded people

All my love to this family! :heartpulse: :heartpulse:Thank you.


amazing results congratulations @ecaiii


Just bought this have been wanting to get this for the longest and noticing how happy I feel right now this is super strong can’t believe a nft can feel this good energetically lol.